
Honk Your Horny for Gavin
Midwestern Boomer Ladies Horny For Gavin ‘28 bumper stickers everywhere
I think his ultimate destination (presuming we don’t end up living under forty years of darkness of course) is to ride his name recognition into a very comfortable cabinet position. He’ll run in the primary but do the Pete Buttigieg maneuver as soon as his position looks untenable
He has "comfortable ambassador" written all over him if he's willing to shell out cash or campaign time
I would have agreed! until this bizarre political weekend when I spent a lot of time with white women (relatives and friends. and then my mom) lol. trying to figure out the psychological mechanism that makes older white women horny for him. Then we exploit that!! Profit ??
Look I’m all on board for Pritzker 2028 because he has made my personal life so much better financially with his budget, but I also think he’s a good man. That said, if he is doing brutally in the polls, and/or Newsom ends up crushing Harris, then I’m board with Honk Your Horny for Gavin
I'm a lowkey Newsom H8er and have been since Bush was President, but like, I cannot imagine who the GOP puts forward that doesn't make me set all that baggage aside should we make a terrible decision
I am as well because I work in homelessness prevention. I have said lots of stuff on the matter if you wanted to seek it out lol. I’ve been brutal towards him. But he’s still a Democrat.
This is kind of a good place to judge Newsom on as a politician. Homelessness is his weakest issue, so he’s never going to have a good and humane position publicly, though he has done a lot to encourage new construction which really is a help (he has never connected the two though AFAIK).
Yeah I mean this is something I am noticing. I feel like California is taking a turn now, something is happening, but idk what. Like a weird turning point?
Part of why I’m becoming less resistant. I think I saw you post about Sacramento reforms too
It’s been a really neoliberal response lol, encouraging people to realize they can make money building housing and attacking zoning regulations, I love it (will take a long long time to get out of the hole though obviously this has been a problem for decades)
It’s weird though because has it? I feel like it’s only been 10-15 years! Like wasn’t LA doing really good Housing First stuff work ten years ago. I only say this cause I remember studying west coast housing first models in grad school which was 2014-2016 for me
No it has, my family left their home turf of Los Angeles for Phoenix in the 90s because they couldn’t afford to live there anymore. And not just my parents, almost nobody related to me lives in LA anymore that’s not extremely old
Yikes. Didn’t realize that was happening that early.
I think we know of another mutual not on this site who left LA for those reasons
It’s common! Also if you check out just a map of Los Angeles, this is one reason it is so huge. Cities like Lancaster and Riverside are suburbs for LA, people have been pushed out that far (and those places are not even being cheap places themselves!)