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Platform-chaser. Banned somewhere, but not Chicago. social worker. shitlib (not resist). Derrida said reskeets are unknowable. she/her.

crazy in love with my children Yatcher, Thates, and Thardley.
Anyway, my aunt who is the most Midwestern friendly, kind, not ever wanting to rock the boat-type, so I have heard her talk about politics maybe five times in my life. I didn’t know she was a Democrat until maybe a few years ago This woman was ON FIRE yesterday. Couldn’t stop talking about SCOTUS
my aunt: “I like Gavin Newman if they are going to run anybody 2028” aunts friend: “I like that Newman too”
We are at Kewpie doll themed diner, it’s the most bizarre thing I’ve ever seen but eggs and toast is literally $4.50
my aunt: “I like Gavin Newman if they are going to run anybody 2028” aunts friend: “I like that Newman too”
Reposted byAvatar Kelly
jacob rees-mogg has to lose while standing next to a guy wearing a baked beans-themed balaclava
Still not over the Trump Fuck Your Feelings puddle-jumper
her stupid boat told me to fuck my feelings
so everybody is pretty shook tbh. But they are mostly shook because they are scared other people are gonna vote Trump now
Guys I’ll be in Racine tomorrow with a bunch of rural Midwestern Democractic winemoms I’ll let you know how they poll
I can’t wait to crack open my cold THC weed drink. God who was that brilliant person who made these things
Life, liberty, and the pursuit of a cracked cold one
Yeah this is what it’s *really* about
Reposted byAvatar Kelly
A thread worth looking through if your name is either Adam Serwer or you, like him, are not aware that Biden has made loads of public appearances since the debate and all of them have been fine.
People are literally too lazy or too devoted to their current narrative to go and watch any of Biden’s speeches or rallies since the debate It’s kind of jarring
Reposted byAvatar Kelly
I'm sick and tired of our lives being dictated by a bunch of siloed elitist corporate media fucks in New York City and DC.
Yes I do think the NYT is actively trying to defeat Biden. Nobody really wants to uphold Pleizar thought, we just don’t run from the truth. Do I need to log off however? Yes.
Look, the media is stupid and bad but if you think the Biden dementia story is some sort of conspiracy involving the NYT trying to defeat him, then buddy, you really need to log off for a bit
Social workers are clinicians fyi if they are working directly with people and providing them services.
I always think Racine is so much further from Chicago but it’s not Completely different lifestyle and even accent lol
Reposted byAvatar Kelly
Really did not foresee how quickly AJ Sulzberger would rise on my personal Most Hated Americans list. He’s slightly under McConnell but I’d put him over JD Vance
Reposted byAvatar Kelly
Man you know these people are real serious when they say shit like this then close their comments
Reposted byAvatar Kelly
It's unclear to me how Biden could prove his fitness to the NYT and Atlantic editors or whatever. It is pointless to demand Biden prove something when this all turns on the whims and vibes of supposedly centrist commentators who have no sense of threat and mistake contrarianism for truth-to-power.
Literal brain doctor with thoughts about Trump and Biden
I'm a brain doc (Consultation-Liaison psych). For *years* Trump's shown uninterrupted, increasingly severe cognitive symptoms: he's incapable of linear thought at baseline. Whatever disrupted Biden's linear thought in the debate is at worst intermittent. Bonus: he's not an overt fascist.
Reposted byAvatar Kelly
I was going to make an ironic joke but then I remembered the only thing truly cringe is the urge to cover up how I feel with irony, so you get me being sincere instead.
We can! We just have to try!
Good morning everyone and happy Thursday! Some things are pretty fucked, but there's no place or time in the world I'd rather be than here, now, today. Because some things are great, and we *can* make things better. May the Fourth be with you today and always.
I don’t work with specifically geriatric populations and I don’t specifically have dementia expertise, though I work with a bunch of older people I don’t see evidence for dementia. I just don’t.
I'm not a Biden Stan so I say this completely without agenda: I agree he definitely doesn't have dementia. I was a CNA for 8 years and I've seen dementia. People saying that need to go volunteer for an elder care facility. He's just showing signs of his age because he's old.
Reposted byAvatar Kelly
Wordle is now officially a Kremlin asset
I feel like I’m taking crazy pills because I quite literally cannot get Will Ferrell saying “I feel like I’m taking crazy pills” from Zoolander out of my head
Like, I feel like I’m taking crazy pills looking at the amount that this stuff is being ignored. The Biden campaign is building a massive GOTV operation, far larger & more robust than what they did in 2020 bc of covid, and Trump is…outsourcing it to Charlie Kirk.
The guy who told us not to vote also doesn’t shower or get haircuts fyi. Not even for his special author bio
To be “sometimes asleep” during your criminal trial is always bad to be clear What is happening
I'm going to regret this but as someone who was in court for 2 days watching trump's ny trial, he definitely was not asleep the whole time. idk if he was asleep at other times when I wasn't there, but mostly it just seemed like he was sitting leaning back w eyes closed as a weirdo power move
Reposted byAvatar Kelly
The New York Times ratfucking operation in favor of Trump is so incredibly blatant that it’s beyond parody. If you saw ratfucking like this coming from a newspaper in a movie, you’d probably think it was a bit over the top.
Here it is, the dumbest thing you will read today
We may need to extend recess tbh
I feel like because kids no longer naturally learn socialization through fucking around outside we should have some kind of class in middle school to teach it
Reposted byAvatar Kelly
People are literally too lazy or too devoted to their current narrative to go and watch any of Biden’s speeches or rallies since the debate It’s kind of jarring
Reposted byAvatar Kelly
one thing is analysis, another thing is proposing solutions, but yet another thing is the weird /glee/ with which things like this are being tweeted on here