Dr. Liz Norell

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Dr. Liz Norell


Political scientist, teacher, faculty developer, writer, bibliophile. I already love your dog(s). Opinions are mine. #ActuallyAutistic Preorder my book, The Present Professor! https://www.oupress.com/9780806194691/the-present-professor/
So @maddblackprof.bsky.social and I had a sidebar and decided this word should be “furnious”
I'll add my +1 to Josh's sentiment--deep melancholy that @derekbruff.bsky.social won't be posting his favorite moments from our weekly team meetings anymore, deep gratitude for the ways his presence on our team has made me a better thinker, faculty developer, and person. We will miss you, Derek!
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Do not obey in advance.
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I found this this post and the replies to be both hilarious and also very unpleasant. #HigherEd
New academia reality tv show in which hundreds of highly trained candidates get winnowed down to one champion, who is awarded the opportunity to teach intro classes outside their speciality with no research support!
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I really want to be the person who can watch this debate, but I just cannot. The only good moment: "Every single thing he said is a lie."
Inspired by the ethos of community, movement, and (productive) rebellion that have grounded the #Gather4Change24 meeting so far, I'm starting to plan our July/August community read of Todd Kashdan's _The Art of Insubordination_. Interested in joining? Jump in this poll: whenisgood.net/Insub1
WhenIsGood: Art of Insubordination - meeting #1whenisgood.net Plan the time to have your meeting or event by coordinating availability with all the participants using this fuss-free online tool.
Tomorrow, we gather to center accessible, inclusive, free educational development sessions, community-building, career development, and resource sharing. Are you registered? If not, do so now! bit.ly/VirtualGathering24 #Gather4Change24
The sheer amount of talent and dedication that #HigherEd loses every year because of petty ego-driven politics is astounding. I'm so sorry this happened to a man who has only sought to serve. Ted Roberts deserved better. www.chronicle.com/article/a-hi...
A History Instructor Complained About Parking Fees. It Cost Him His Job.www.chronicle.com The military veteran had taught at Tarleton State University for over a decade. His colleagues were stunned.
YAY for Thursday! Tomorrow, I'm joining a panel to discuss "Building a More Inclusive Campus: Strategies for Higher Education Leaders," sponsored by Texthelp. There's still time to register: text.help/LiuXps -- and join me, @LillianNave & @Jen_Pusateri at noon ET! #HigherEd #Inclusion
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An academic retreat implies the existence of an academic attack.
This is beautifully written and captures so many of the things that haunt my thoughts about #HigherEd, like: "my understanding of a 'normal' amount of work was so broken that it took me years to figure out what balance might even approximate." annehelen.substack.com/p/ten-years-...
Ten Years Out of Academiaannehelen.substack.com Grad school theoretically expands your marketability and job prospects. What happens when it narrows them?
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In 2022, I was asked if I could do a piece with Puffins. I didn’t even know what they were. I read up on them for an entire week trying to figure how best to show them. Overlooking the ocean from a cliff with flowers. He must have liked it.. he bought it.
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I’ve had to order a lot of copies of Haidt’s book for my library, and I thinking about asking all these eager patrons if they have ever asked how well they manage their own relationships to their phones. Anyway, here is a thoughtful critique of this moral panic du jour. 📚
I’m an expert on adolescence: here’s why a smartphone ban isn’t the answer, and what we should do insteadwww.theguardian.com Jonathan Haidt’s bestselling book blames social media for a decline in teenage mental health. But is he right?
I am so, so excited about this gathering coming up in a couple of weeks! Have you registered yet? If not, you should! It's totally free, community centered, and accessible by design. bit.ly/VirtualGathering24
I encountered so many things today that made my eyes misty: my colleagues want to plan a book-launch do for me; we had our last in-person gathering with a much-loved visiting team member; and then I started gawking at this puffin *loafing ledge*! GAH! My eyes are leaking! explore.org/livecams/puf...
Puffin Cam - Live video of wild Puffins in Maine | Explore.orgexplore.org The Audubon loafing ledge Puffin Cam shares live video of seabirds like baby Puffins, Razorbills and Common Murres on Sea Island in Maine.
HxA sent me a survey asking why I didn't attend their conference. Here's my take: "I am increasingly uncomfortable with the direction HxA leadership is taking in speaking about viewpoint diversity. It strikes me that HxA is becoming more of an **advocacy** organization ... /1
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I've been asked on several occasions to help faculty at various institutions "understand Gen Z students." And while that's a laudable goal-to better understand the humans in your classrooms-I feel like I'm being asked to give them a set of magic solutions. But instead, it's really more like this:
If You're Z, Here's What You Seetimothyburke.substack.com Time Is Running Out
I do not believe I've ever worked harder on anything in such a concentrated period of time as I did on the index for my book. Y'all better appreciate the heck out of my efforts when you get the book later this year. Preorder now: www.oupress.com/978080619469...
The Present Professor - University of Oklahoma Presswww.oupress.com It’s hard to learn when you’re under stress, and a lot harder when your teacher is struggling with stress, too. In a world where stress is unavoidable—...
This observation blew my mind: "When peopple talk about traveling to the past, they worry about radically changing the present by doing something small, but barely anyone in the present really thinks that they can radically change the future by doing something small."
My friend Jen Harvey has a new book out soon, and I hope you'll join me in preordering the book AND learning how to make antiracist action part of daily life. On the latter, she's got a 12 days of action plan you can get! For the book preorder, see comment. mailchi.mp/10b7b14d2037...
Sign up for 12 Days of Antiracist Actionmailchi.mp Get an antiracism action plan in your inbox. Each day between June 17-28, 2024, you'll hear from Dr. Jennifer Harvey and other leading antiracist thinkers sharing their knowledge and challenging you t...
I'm very grateful to @lyz.bsky.social for linking to this brilliantly written piece about Ben Affleck and Dunkin', e.g., "In one photo, he clutches his breakfast to his chest, his face a familiar tableau of oh no what have I done." www.theringer.com/movies/2021/...
The Nirvana of Ben Affleckwww.theringer.com We want our stars to be just like us, but ultimately, we want them to be themselves even more
I love this. Love it. 🤴🏻
love to read an academic book and discover that big chunks of it are dedicated to refuting the arguments of the author's enemies. i'm not smart enough to tell who's right so i just root for whoever i'm reading right now. "go off king" i shout as he eviscerates their methods
46! (for one more week 😎)
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new intro stats teaching example just dropped