
An actual ceasefire, the demilitarization/exile of Hamas, Netanyahu's resignation, a real two-state solution and regional/international funding and intervention to maintain peace.
Absurd, Netanyahu keeps winning reelections because he opposes all of those. Also, the two state solution is just Jim Crow for governments. It accepts Israeli apartheid and will definitely give Palestinians a worse share of the deal. The real solution is ending Zionism.
Netanyahu keeps winning elections because a lot of Israelis buy into the "walls protect us" nonsense & are willing to hold their nose on West Bank settlements if they're not in favor. That's Likud's base. There are other political parties in Israel & it's worth learning about them.
Let me know about anti-zionist Israeli political parties
I should have realized you need to learn what Zionism actually is first. Not every Zionist believes a sovereign nation-state is necessary for the existence of a Jewish homeland. The Ottoman Empire was still very much a thing when Zionism began & no one expected it to just go away.
Zionism is discriminatory by definition and depends on ethnic cleansing.
Have fun fighting with the made up people in your head.
So you're telling me you don't understand the ideology or actual history of what you're defending?
I'm telling you you're ill informed about Religious Zionism. The Secular Zionist vision of the Jewish homeland as a sovereign nation was up for debate right up till the 1930s, when it became clear Arabs would never agree to allow Jews to live there as a religious community.
I doubt you're aware that the Sharif of Mecca exchanged a series of letters with the Brit High Commissioner in Cairo, dickering over the extent of the Islamic Caliphate he hoped to create after defeating the Ottomans.
I doubt you're aware that Palestinian Arabs bitterly opposed *all* Jewish immigration every step of the way, even as Hitler rose to power in the 1930s. Some of their leaders openly sided with Hitler. It became clear Jews would either need a sovereign nation or be driven from the land.
Israeli identity was as much a response to the Arab insistence on an ethnostate, as Palestinian identity has been to Israel's role in preventing Palestinian autonomy. I assume you have strong opinions on where Jews should be allowed to live.
In 1920, Arabs dreamed of an Islamic ethnostate from Damascus to Aden, from Beirut to Baghdad. The emergence of new national identities replaced those dreams. Only the most extreme Muslims think about a New Caliphate in 2024.
The Jews who envisioned a non-sovereign homeland had to deal with the reality of Arab attempts to drive Jews out of Palestine several times since the 1947 Partition Plan was refused by the Arabs, so it's unsurprising no Israeli politicians are backing the idea of a single state run by Hamas in 2024.
You've got 9 million Israelis, not all of them Jews, who will fight to keep their nation. Either you support a sovereign Palestinian state that doesn't require killing them (which means a 2 state plan), or you do. You can see it your way, but it's based on ignoring facts.
You lied several times in the thread and you want to accuse me of ignoring facts?
I'm confident your perceived "lies" are based on your lack of information.
If you had sources you'd post them
Nah. I know what I'm talking about. You said I lied. Prove it.