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They said it couldn’t be done and New York got it done. Exceeded my rate limits on Twitter so now I'm here. Sh*tposts and takes on politics, movies, culture, whatever.
It’s actually insane these guys are mad Biden and Harris doesn’t spend all day listening to them. Like, it reflects so poorly on them.
Step down for the birthday boys
It really is amazing how much visibly this is an elite revolt against Biden. Major donors! East coast pundits! The Disney heiress! The only protestors we can find are in the Hamptons!
I know we’re waiting on full results but congrats to Labour on this one (even though I didn’t vote for them). This seems like the sort of result impossible to replicate so I’d say go big.
It’s legitimately amazing no donor would give their name to call Biden old or forgetful.
Amazing the Olivia Nuzzi story can’t get a single person to go on the record, and the strongest evidence against Biden’s mental health is he didn’t remember her name.
Amazing the Olivia Nuzzi story can’t get a single person to go on the record, and the strongest evidence against Biden’s mental health is he didn’t remember her name.
Gaiman getting me-tooed? Another Bluesky Elder goes the way of Truck Chris.
The Times finding some right wing shill to tell people not to vote on the Fourth is the grossest thing they’ve done since the Tom Cotton editorial.
What is it about working for the Times that makes you suddenly confident you know better than everyone else on Earth?? The Post isn’t like this!
The Governors are supporting Biden. Take a deep breath and enjoy the holiday. America is free, prosperous, and independent. Let’s keep it that way.
Can’t believe they’re making the Brits vote on the Fourth of July. That’s like making Americans kneel before a king on Inauguration Day. (Hope this take doesn’t age poorly).
This is incredibly wrong if you adjust for population size and GDP. NYC and LA are incredibly productive places.
I enjoy that 65+ voters remain Biden’s best demographic according to the New York Times and Siena. Like, no matter what crazy swings happen elsewhere they’re rock solid for him.
I’d be a lot more concerned that Biden should step down if Access Hollywood did any lasting damage to Trump, who got a pretty similar response from his party.
"The Presidency is the most demanding job in the world, it required 24/7 attention, but also, if the President is not fielding random questions from a press an hour a day, he's failing."
One of the most detrimental things about American politics is if you aren't the President, nobody wants to hear from you. When's the last time your Governor or House rep was interviewed by an outlet you recognize? But the President must appear every day for bad-faith questions or he's infirm.
One of the most detrimental things about American politics is if you aren't the President, nobody wants to hear from you. When's the last time your Governor or House rep was interviewed by an outlet you recognize? But the President must appear every day for bad-faith questions or he's infirm.
As is typical, the Times posits that 2020 nonvoters are gonna make all the difference here and I think that's the wrong thesis of this election. I'll find out in November though.
Trump favored among people who could've voted in 2020 but didn't for some reason.
Late to this post but running water and birth control drastically changed human sexual habits for the better, but also introduced a bunch of weird sex notions because all the sudden people were expected to stick to sex only with similar-aged partners over a lifetime.
I find it very amusing when the worst people are like “Its Just Biological men cant control not being cheaters/pressuring women for sex” when the medieval view was generally “unlike men, women are super horny and will absolutely bang the scarecrow if left unattended”
There was a story a week or two back about an RNC floor revolt because Trump's VP might not be one of them. Seems like that brand of crazy would pick Flynn.
So this is definitely some whackjob political operative trying to send the Trump campaign a message, right?
I am an upper-middle class white guy but it consistently blows my mind that the Trump plan to put a permanent ICE contingent every Latino neighborhood (because that's what it would take to deport every illegal immigrant) has garnered almost no coverage. They're aren't kidding, they're gonna try.
The basic problem here is the voters think that the Trump presidency was great actually. I am convinced this is some kind of trauma response to 2020 where people think bad things can never happen. If the race keeps going this way I guess we'll find out.
The basic problem here is the voters think that the Trump presidency was great actually. I am convinced this is some kind of trauma response to 2020 where people think bad things can never happen. If the race keeps going this way I guess we'll find out.
I've been thinking about Schedule F, and while I'm pretty concerned about replacing federal gov't leadership with GOP hacks, I'm also here to tell you hack managers to repeat my favorite analogy "couldn't organize an orgy in a whorehouse."
Look, if you think the party of 9/11, Afghanistan and Iraq, the Great Recession, the COVID crisis and 1/6 can magically orchestrate an autocratic takeover the US flawlessly I would like to know why. I do think however, there are many ways in which a flawed takeover could be really really bad.
There's no smoking gun about Trump in the Jeffrey Epstein materials but it does confirm that Trump was lying when he said he hadn't been friends with Epstein a long time when he arrested. They were in regular contact up until a year before his arrest. It's not plausible Trump didn't know.
Look, if you think the party of 9/11, Afghanistan and Iraq, the Great Recession, the COVID crisis and 1/6 can magically orchestrate an autocratic takeover the US flawlessly I would like to know why. I do think however, there are many ways in which a flawed takeover could be really really bad.
Kamala Harris: "I am the most stereotypical California liberal you can imagine" Online lefties, 2020 - last week: "NO YOU'RE A COP." Online lefties, realizing politics is more than vibes: "oh damn, I think the black woman from California might be more left than the white one from Michigan"
Voters of color and the left realizing Biden is the best bet and moderates/centrists being soft on him is basically what you'd expect if he was down in the polls, but for the past 6 months the polls have constantly told us it's the opposite.
I would be shocked if Biden wasn't calling people close to him and saying "should I stay or go?" I would also be shocked if he didn't understand how his performance was viewed. None of these things mean he will drop out, it's also not the best argument he's losing his mind.
We've spent a lot of time self-flagellating with evidence of exactly one night as a problem. At least it's the week of the Fourth.
The freakout was over "is Biden declining" and all available evidence points to "he is old but no, he's mentally fine" and so now the freakout has moved on to the freakout being itself evidence of Biden's need to stepdown. It's entirely circular.
Unlike most of you I don't think the decision actually provides legal immunity for Trump to lock up his opponents, but until every use case is put on one side of the line or the other it's only a matter of time til someone tries.