
This thread from Matthew Chapman at the Bad Place is a good analysis of why the DC press corps are turning on Biden.
Biden's hatred of the DC press has existed for ages. I really recommend people look up and read the article "Death and the All-American Boy"
Uh, the weird talk about sex, satfisfyijg his wife in bed, and then "telling a joke with an antisemitic punchline" sure threw me off. Oh wait, now he's saying he didn't like Roe v Wade. Great stuff.
Him not playing nice with the journalists makes me happy
24/7 Cable News really broke political reporting. The motivation became getting a sound bite to gain attention & an invite to appear on a prime time show. The Trump years poured gasoline on that fire.
I think there must have been issues before that. But yeah. Got worse
The "lack of immediate visibility" is objectively false. Biden has done numerous public appearances since the debate.
Also just to add, the people who made it to the nyt/wapo roles didn’t get there by being policy wonks they got there by being well sourced. And you can’t “source” you way into a scoop on how the Supreme Court is breaking America
The President of the United States has lost the ability to speak extemporaneously (no teleprompter) and legibly in public for more than 3 minutes at a stretch. This is objectively a really big deal.
Biden did at least two live radio interviews with local hosts in Wisconsin & Pennsylvania in the last couple days. They were fine & it's a smart way to reach voters in those battleground states. The DC press are not happy with this.
But Maggie and the swan weren’t listening so they didn’t happen!
Did you yourself listen to them? I'm asking sincerely. I watched him depart from his teleprompter remarks at the WH today and it was troubling, I could see a mind struggling to put thoughts together.
A campaigner who is "fine" doesn't win close elections.
Damn, you ever heard George W Bush try to speak English?
Listen to Biden this week speak extemporaneously for more than a couple of minutes and then tell me what you think.
I have. Sometimes, he rambles a bit & stops to get back to the point. What's your desired outcome here? Harris steps in?
For me, I'm all in for Kamala. She's not the dream candidate but who is, I think she'll mobilize folks in powerful ways that are needed this cycle.
"Legibly" is the wrong adjective to use when referring to spoken language. "Legibly" pertains to clear and readable handwriting or printed text. Instead, use "clearly" or "articulately" to describe someone speaking in a way that is easy to understand. Don’t run for president.
Thanks also for gloriously missing the point in favor of useless pedantry. Very on brand for the moment.
I’m not trying to dunk on you, dude. I’m trying to highlight that your criticism wrongly assumes cognitive inability based on word choice errors, ignoring B's proven job performance as President. You made word choice error w/o any pressure of an audience and a torrent of lies to refute.
A real issue is the longstanding (decades long) weakness of the D’s communication strategy, not B's cognitive abilities. R’s excel at manipulating public sentiment with deceitful tactics, while the D’s struggle with messaging despite their popular policies, basic governing competence.
The White House regularly publishes corrected transcripts of his spoken remarks that clean up major errors. Everyone in the room "knew what he meant" but the errors (mixing up countries and leaders etc) have to be fixed for reasons of accuracy. One example of many.
Have you listened to trump? He can’t finish a thought. He lies constantly. Between the two, Biden is much more cognizant
Agree 1 billion %, the choice between them isn't even close. I'm still making a political judgment call that victory in this cycle with Biden at the top is no longer possible. The high stakes of T's return make it ever more urgent that the campaign be lead by someone w/ energy & creativity.
I don't think most voters want a Uniter in Chief this cycle to run against the convicted felon: they want a prosecutor.
Look, I know you want to pretend your guy's the President, but Joe Biden holds the office now.
Proud Biden voter here thanks very much but nice try with the bullying.
I don't think we have enough evidence either way to access Biden's abilities but his main points are pretty sound
Ultimately, I trust the people around Biden to do the right thing if he's not able to do the job at some point. I honestly think he can serve till 2028. He's never going to be a "modern media" President & that's ok with me.