
#Politics #Election #Democracy The choice for me is simple this year. I will vote for whoever is running against Trump and the enabling Republican politicians.
Yup. I don't care if it's a turnip. But we are in the minority right now.
We are in that awkward time when the "I don't like either candidate" voters still daydream. After the conventions, when the choice is set in stone, people will be forced to choose between whoever the Democrats nominate and a convict, rapist & traitor who brags about taking a woman's right to choose.
Yes. I am not optimistic that stark choice will be enough, because it is not like the voting populace is unfamiliar with Trump like 2016. There needs to be some sort of course correction and soon from Democrats. Relying on Americans to simply do the right thing is not often a winning strategy.
I don't disagree. At this point all I can do is donate, volunteer and hope that the election lawyers, political strategists and other people Biden trusts, are giving him the best possible advice. Then when I am able, I will vote for whoever is running against Republicans, top to bottom.
That Trump was ever nominated by a major political party, and then actually *won* an election, are the two most deeply foreboding events of my life. I will never trust a Republican politician to lead us ever again. The judgement of the entire GOP is seriously impaired.
I never did. The best thing I have ever done for my country is to not have once voted Republican & I cast my first presidential vote in 1982. I been yelling that this is the most likely outcome since Reagan * was told to stop being hysterical. Gives me little satisfaction to say "told you so".
Avatar first ballot ever in 1982
It also unfortunately speaks to the competence and judgment of the Democratic party that not only once but twice have they fielded a candidate who struggles to win an election against a narcissistic amoral flim flam man. This should not be a hard thing, and yet we are on the verge of losing twice 😒
Democratic voters make that choice in the primaries. I chalk some of that up to an attempt to find a "safe" candidate that won't turn off middle America. Meanwhile, middle America has already been seduced by a world-class con man.
There is nothing wrong with fielding a safe candidate-that is what Biden was in 2020, and he won. This is not a time to focus on scoring diversity points. It's a time to beat back the wolf at the door and finding the best candidate to do that.
And I would say, rather than a safe choice in '16, I think after Obama's 2 terms the DNC was drunk on the idea of never fielding a white male elite they chose a white female elite with underwater favorables. Now it's an old man in visible decline despite a solid bench to choose from.
We are NOT in the minority! 34-felon has never won the popular vote (ever!) & Democracy has won in 2018, 2020, 2022, & 2023. GOP are ~25% of the country (dems are ~35%, Ind's are ~40%). Look it up!
Not to ignore the fact that we are d*** lucky we have a Biden Administration to vote for!!
Oh hell yeah! Thank you!
The choice may not happen. If biden is replaced, red states likely won’t put replacement’s name on ballot.
Trump’s election deniers have infiltrated many election state boards, and each state has its own laws & judges. Plus the Trump controlled RNC will do anything to disrupt Democratic plans, no matter how outrageous. So yes, Democratic election lawyers are making a tough call x50.