
I repeat, it is very unwise to underestimate the most consistently powerful force in politics, loathing. Trump is the most domestically loathed US President there has perhaps ever been.
there’s somewhere between 15 and 20% of the likely electorate that is out there up for grabs. they really deeply dislike Trump and they moderately dislike Biden. they are probably not going to vote 3rd party but they probably will vote.
Loathing made my uncle vote for a Democrat for president for the first time in his life last time around. And the way his kids do things like suggest he travel less, and not drive at night anymore, he's probably going to be even more sympathetic to Biden this time.
It's like rationally I know these things but the sense of hopelessness and despair is overwhelming, probably because like many people I can't believe he's even running again.
The media needs to change the narrative to why we loathe Trump and everything his Party stands for. We get it, Biden is old.