
tbf calling macron a centrist is pretty much a success of his PR team, he's right wing af & ppl like him are often but not exclusively, people who want to use long burn means to achieve what fascists try to do in extremely crunched time frames. methodology is what they differ on more than objectives
It’s interesting that American, British, French and many other countries have politics that are so different and yet share a common link that centrists really aren’t that concerned about far right fascists taking over
Sounds like the "centre right" people in charge of the Finnish gov, who deny there's any far-right problem (or racism) while sharing the governing with the buggers.
When Macron was reelected, I wrote on Twitter that he was a right-winger who was going to act like people voted for him rather than against Le Pen. That was a mistake, as I was absolutely not prepared to deal with all the French “ackshually” responses I got.
tfw centrist means "i'm the shelf paper glued to the left side of a continually-right-sliding machine"