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time displaced dinoperson

i paint plastic space monsters for fun

Reposted byAvatar Crungeoneer
#gaslands car collecting there are specialboy hot wheels out there, low-run collectible editions filtered into the main runs in the store just know that i will unbox them, pull them apart and put guns and armor on them like any other, i do not care toys are for playing with
having my hi-concept low-end food kd spirals, but with some herbed havarti melted in, a shot of mustard, and grilled ham, with fresh-ground pepper
Reposted byAvatar Crungeoneer
world, just trying to play with toy cars and be alive you're not working with me here
modern era: history is over everyone: yaaaaay modern era: now is the time of monsters everyone: wait what
Reposted byAvatar Crungeoneer
[arriving in hell] Satan: welco- Me: hit me with a plate of your eggs bro Satan: Me: (sprinkling motion) with the paprika
people still leaving snipe messages when they get mad and then dropping the block like it's twitter add that to the list of things they fundamentally misunderstand
i didn't wanna understand this
god i would probably post bowser for the first time ever but fuck a place without a strong castle to protect my koopas
Reposted byAvatar Crungeoneer
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Living through historic times fucking sucks ass.
Reposted byAvatar Crungeoneer
i have so much boundless contempt for these pathetic white men, who were blessed enough to be born in one of the few attempts at multiracial democracy in the world, and who panic at being no more valued than anyone else to the extent that they'd blow it all up and go back to divine right of kings
good lord tried to take "the last sip" out of a 1/3 filled coffee cup, nearly had a bath in french vanilla
when i get that feeling i want, sectional ceiling sectional ceiling is something that's over me
Reposted byAvatar Crungeoneer
Werner Herzog directing a Maybelline ad: Perhaps she is born with it. What a frightful notion, to be imbued with the fetters of capitalist commodification from birth. It suggests God Himself is a part of our dreadful pattern instead of a refuge from it.
playing gtao, got the declasse vamos thru my auto shop it's exactly as slushy muscle car as i wanted and now it's tuned, and painted like death proof *careens thru an intersection sideways on two wheels at 120mph
Reposted byAvatar Crungeoneer
eating popsicles till my core temperature drops 12 degrees celsius
Reposted byAvatar Crungeoneer
when you have principles but don't stand by them that's called not having principles
Reposted byAvatar Crungeoneer
What's your favorite film adaptation of a Shakespeare play, Bluesky?
forgive me skyline for i have sinned i have engaged in ritual combat wherein i could predict the outcome the topic was just but the combatant was not internally stable there was so much poorly-directed allcapping i couldn't resist
Reposted byAvatar Crungeoneer
Along with today's update to this year's total: The numbers for 🚨2023🚨 are still being updated. It's June 27, 2024. We are begging you to care about this. We live in constant fear of needing someone else to take over this thread because are going to one of the numbers on it. Reset the clock.
This is going to be a potentially triggering 35 part thread. If you wish to share it, for the sake of your audience, please do not repost every section of it. Share the start of the thread and allow your readers to decide whether to read the whole thing.
Reposted byAvatar Crungeoneer
Reposted byAvatar Crungeoneer
proud to announce the launch of the Toxic Clout Demon Starter Pack, which will instantly drop you into the most arcane and pointless internecine conflict zones on this website, where you can immediately start tearing apart your fellow demons and harvesting their still-warm bodies for pure clout
tried to post a bit about ride the lightning and youtube won't push any metallica videos thru the skyline lol ofc
Reposted byAvatar Crungeoneer
like this post if you think it’s ok for a white woman to drink glue. repost if you’ve shoplifted
i just learned you can't get frozen pudding bars anymore :(