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Nature-lover, artist #birds, butterflies wildlife, conservation #photography, gardens #flowers, trees, books #art, married to Woody, my soul-mate, fairness, kindness, Peace



Seeking light in dark places
Time to say good night my friends, wishing you a peaceful evening and a happy day tomorrow - take care all xxx🥰 #garden #flowers #roses #Peace
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The sweet William and campfire rose are looking nice!
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So... I tooknthose materials amd made this pretty purple pop-up card. Note the little gems and the colour variations in the diecut greenery.
Work in progress: a paper pop-up planter card with pretty purple posies. Note the embossed wood texture, the variegated leaves, and the use of gems. I'm going to assemble this on a card using combinations of these patterned scrapbook papers.
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Another pop-up card—this time in turquoise and lime green. Note the embossed, distressed wood texture, subtle coliur gradients in the leaves, and tiny gems. The patterned background is leftover wrapping paper.
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This morning's cloudy Moon. 1 July 2024. 🔭 🧪 #astrophotography
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- The Dark Skies Collection -
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Certainly one of the most spectacular things in the sky, the Andromeda Galaxy as seen from my driveway. 🔭 #astrophotography
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I am excited to be an honorable mention for Michigan Audubon's 2024 Photography Awards! My photo featured dueling Northern Flicker boys. Check out the amazing photos on the Michigan Audubon site:
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An Osprey parent bringing back breakfast, an orange koi. There's an adult on the nest (on the right with yellow eyes), along with four nestlings (three easily seen, another one tucked in in the back.) I'm pretty sure someone's fancy fish pond has been a popular fishing spot for these Osprey.
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A male Eastern Bluebird on the lookout for insects to hunt down. While reviewing my photos I realized there is a young Eastern Bluebird in the upper left, keeping a close eye on Dad.
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Young Great Blue Herons have been testing their wings and leaving their nests, and these two landed on nearby tree. They were working hard to keep their balance, while also seeming to try to knock the other bird off the tree top with their wings.
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Closeup of a lady Northern Cardinal ❤️
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“A branch of flowering lime hangs above the roof” Artist: CF Tunnicliffe Writer: EL Grant Watson
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Song Thrush Artist: John Leigh-Pemberton (Song Birds, 1974)
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“The wild briar rose and elder are the flowers which most distinctly speak of June and midsummer” Artist: CF Tunnicliffe writer: EL Grant Watson
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“A kingfisher, like a streak of living sapphire, flashes across the water. He knows better than the fishermen how to catch fish” Writer: EL Grant Watson Artist: CF Tunnicliffe
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Bank Vole, Harvest Mouse, Wood Mouse. Artist: John Leigh-Pemberton (1971)
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Other work by the Ladybird artists ‘Life in the Corn’ (Shell Guide, 1956) Artist: John Leigh-Pemberton
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Marbled whites flying on the bank of the summer walkway nectaring on clover at Slimbridge yesterday. Lovely to see them !
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Some of our #wildflowers are so incredibly minuscule they are very easy to miss! This week’s challenge is to get your specs 🤓 on & see if you find any #tinyplants in bloom. Share your finds for #WildflowerHour this Sunday 8-9pm! Happy teeny flower spotting! 🧐🌸🌿
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Went out today and saw this moth. Anyone know what it is? Because it's pretty.
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Kili the Bald Eagle, an ambassador bird and permanent resident at the Howell Nature Center in Michigan. This photo was taken during one of the photography workshops at the nature center. 🦅