
Biden's age and poor debate showing is obviously a legit story, but what we've seen over the last week is a hysterical feeding frenzy aimed at some combination of self-vindication, settling old scores, claiming a scalp, and the desire of some in the media to have Trump back in power. (1/2)
If Biden can't campaign he should consider passing the torch, but the elite press (and especially the NYT) is desperately trying to will this into existence. And it's really gross. (2/2)
The GOP is trying to pull the same crap on Joe Biden that they pulled on Hillary in 2016. Remember that feeding frenzy? The GOP always resorts to dirty tricks because their policies are appalling. They just want to take our rights away.
The second the debate ended, it cut to a pundit saying "I'm in the spin room and what people are talking about is should Biden quit." And...good god, who are these amateur-hour Dems in the spin room who let THAT be the talking point? Like bro, do you even spin?
But yet the will ALWAYS insist that it has no viewpoint, no politics, they're just "doing journalism." Can someone write about this? I don't care what your politics are but please don't tell me you don't have any at all. It's just dishonest and manipulative.
Just talking about this with my husband this morning. Trump has done so many worse things than have a bad debate and there are crickets from the media.
Meanwhile, Mr Rapey McAbortionrights-stealing-Felon--Dictator-Pants, nobody in the NY Times or elsewhere is suggesting he quit.
HE SAID IT! He said he isn't going to do a single event to prove he can be lucid at night! What TF do you want the press to do?? It's huge news.
It wouldn’t be so gross if they were able to muster 1/10th of this energy to push for Trump to drop out, considering *fucking everything*
It's worse than gross. It's worse than unprofessional. It's unpatriotic and immoral.
I think the NYT is trash right now, and their framing of the issues surrounding Biden, but as a die hard Biden voter and defender, it took all of 10 minutes of that debate to make me angry and want some answer other than what we have now.
The New York Times is trying to demonstrate power and someway, somehow they need to be crushed.
aaron he is the most powerful person in the world and he has an 8pm bedtime
Lol it's the hardest fucking job on the plant by a thousand percent, it's a 24/7 job, not a 9-5, he travels more in a month than most of us travel in a year. But you think going to bed early enough so that he's well rested is a problem. Got it.
it's the hardest job on the planet by a thousand percent and it's a 24/7 job that he can only do effectively from 10am to 4pm 👍
"I'm not going to schedule events after 8pm" is very different from "I have an 8pm bedtime."
That guy's bitter his candidate lost to biden in the primaries, if I'd seen that before I replied to him I would have just blocked him
you're right, he's super functional
Hardest job in the world, frequently held by people who I wouldn’t trust to bag my groceries (Trump, W, Reagan). I love how you guys are entirely detached from observable reality to preserve some head canon about how your parents explained the world to you when you were 5 years old.
"effectively" lol Maybe he should be up all nite posting on social media like the convicted felon did & will do again? Yeah, he really got things done didn't he esp. that infrastructure bill that Biden got done within the first 8 months in office.🙄 Early bed time & all Biden's done a great job.
I'll take the guy who may need to go to bed early vs the fascist, out-on-bail, convicted felon, wannabe authatornian sociopath who wants to be a king, go after his political enemies & ban abortion nationwide. But hey, you 🤡
You know millions more people would press the left button if it weren't that option, right? Like if the main goal is beating out all the Trump voters voting for an historically unpopular candidate, why is Biden, another historically unpopular candidate, the main option?
You've LEARNED NOTHING from 2016. Can't fix stupid.
You want Trump to win so that Aaron can keep posting his little clips and you can keep posting your little memes, that's why you're so invested in running the worst possible candidate against him.
I firmly believe Trump would have all unfavourable Press killed. Either with an explicit order, or in a "won’t someone please rid me of these reporters" kind of way. It’s baffling they don’t seem to see this as a possibility.
They're still salty that he wouldn't sit for an interview
President Biden was Absolutely Amazing in the Raleigh NC RALLY the Next Day after the Useless Debate !!
They are "Hillary Clinton-ing" Biden.
True....and that my friends, is why you should read my op/ed on why I don't vote (other than when I vote, which is always)
Personally, I think the issue is that the majority of Biden's media team took this week off because, ya know, the 4th. Then this stuff starts happening and it catches everyone off guard. I could be totally fuckin' wrong though, we'll have to see what happens over the next week.
President Biden is old and we all know it. We all know that he does sometimes still stutter and sometimes his voice can be week. None of this gives us any indication he is not mentally fit to continue as president. Some of the poor performance falls on how the debate was structured and handled …
The public needed to see a debate in which the candidates gave their comments on issues that affect American voters. One candidate was prepared to talk about issues and current events (facts included). The other was there to deliver lies with conviction and attack the other candidate personally.
Like in CNNs town hall with trump & Kaitlan, they let trump just run over Biden, with a string of lies. I place a large part of the blame for Biden’s perceived poor performance on CNN. They didn’t do anything to keep the candidates on topic or to stop the nonstop lies that came out of trumps mouth.
So, it's time to start emailing those reporters and the decision makers of those orgs and demand better....
Not surprised in general, but disappointed EK is leaning in so hard to the narrative.
Sure it is just as you said Aaron. But viewing as an totally outsider the biggest question is, how come it's so that in a nation with several hundred of millions population, there's none younger who could step up as a candidate? None who's eligible for the party & people This said for both sides
re: press desperately trying to will it into existence. This is why I oppose dropping Biden. Can't trust the polls, they have been so notoriously wrong.
It’s just a debate! They’re henny pennying and forgetting his track record. Plus, he’s only 3 yr older than Mango Mussolini (stable genius, my ass).
You are absolutely correct. I am very disappointed in our news organizations.
The double standard is unfortunate. The real story here is how everyone is glossing over the frankly terrible debate by Donald Trump as well. Just because this is par on course for his outings, it shouldn’t be accepted.
That’s because Trump’s insanity has been normalized. Biden has to win; we can’t just hope Trump loses. It doesn’t matter if that’s fair or not; it’s the reality on the ground. Neither side was surprised by Trump’s performance; that’s why Biden’s was such a big deal.
The story needs to be Trump is a rapist and a felon whose corruption knows no bounds Joe Biden is old- so fucking what, he can still run the country and we have a succession plan