Gregg Gonsalves

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Gregg Gonsalves

Epidemiologist. AIDS Activist. Dog lover. New Haven.
“What, to the Slave, is the Fourth of July," Frederick Douglass, 1852.
Leave it to the impartial, apolitical, all-wise judges—appointed for life and purely on merit to a completely non-activist judicial institution—to turn 4th of July into an occasion for national mourning. You ruined hot dogs. And democracy.
The public is not responding to the debate. They are responding to the irresponsible media coverage of the debate. We are back in “but her emails” territory and there is nothing reasonable people—and actual experts—can do about it. Extraordinarily frustrating and depressing.
The key here is that "very important people" don't seem to be bothered by this. It all is horse-race politics up to this precipice: who is winning, who is losing the day? There is no there there in American political journalism at places like the NY Times. They cannot rise to the occasion.
An aspiring dictator & convicted felon w history of treason may win the presidency. Profoundly corrupt SCOTUS justices undermined the constitution and gave him immunity from prosecution for past & future crimes. This is all political journalists should be writing about 24/7. We’re at the precipice.
From the Twilight of Freedom (May 1918) by Osip Mandelstam (tr. Merwin and Brown). Full poem attached. So much is at stake. "Even as we freeze in Lethe we’ll remember the ten heavens the earth cost us."
This is a terrific set of ideas from! Let's get busy folks!
I see a lot of “but I already vote! And one time I marched!” today and people feeling they already “do it all.” Here are three things you might consider to be involved with politics. 1) sign up to GOTV. For a congressional/state/local candidate. Politics is about mobilization & coordination 1/3
As the author of something that once made people lose their minds, I am telling you that I was talking about exactly this. I was correct then and I am correct now and I am terribly sorry about that
Finally, people out on the streets to protest the usurpation of power...Oh, wait, that's Budapest and the protest is against Viktor Orban. Where is American civil society after yesterday's decision? Why has not a single leading organization called for a national protest?
I turned 60 last year. Most of my life is behind me, but my nephews, my nieces are just starting out in life. Now we enter a terrible new period in American history w/o precedent, w/ an all-powerful presidency, a Supreme Court of courtiers, and a mad-dog Congress. I'll fight. But my time is short.
Anyone who criticized Sotomayor for crying in her office can go to hell.
Ominous shit from Sonia Sotomayor.
RICHARD NIXON: Listen, you all laughed when I said that if the president does it, that means that it is not illegal, BUT WHO’S LAUGHING NOW
“In every use of official power, the President is now a king above the law.” -Justice Sotomayor, dissenting
I don’t know where I stand on “Biden should step aside.” I think there is one way to get this right — Biden delivers a national address as president stating that he believes his highest duty is defending the Constitution and the best way to do this is to step aside and hand the baron to Harris.
[email protected] is one of the few noting there are *also* serious risks w/nominating alternative to Biden. As I suggested, we also can't be sure an alternative would fare better against Trump! Still, I lean toward thinking Bidens should take Q of whether he should withdraw a lot more seriously
Unlike many others On Here, I don't think there's a way for Biden to bow out without it leading to extreme risks of a very different kind. We need more of an acknowledgment from the replace-Biden camp that this is not a remotely easy dilemma.
I have a complex math question: is one debate greater than 34 felonies + a sixth of January?
He’s not stepping aside for another candidate. It’s not the fight we wanted but it’s the fight in front of us, the fight we have and it’s the fight of our lives. Donate. Volunteer. Vote.
"the Court has begun to implement the policy preferences of its conservative majority in a new and troubling way: by simultaneously stripping power from every political entity except the Supreme Court itself"
once again i think that mark lemley’s article on the “imperial supreme court” is the most perceptive thing written about the roberts court and its overarching project
The Imperial Supreme Court - Harvard Law The past few years have marked the emergence of the imperial Supreme Court. Armed with a new, nearly bulletproof majority, conservative Justices on the...
Overturning Chevron is going to usher in an era where self-taught judicial expertise in technical areas such as chemistry, statistics, mechanical engineering, biology, geomorphology, epidemiology, mathematics, and many other fields will once more be able to shine forth as it did in the Middle Ages.
It is a scandal that is closing its Access to Essential Medicines Campaign. It has been central in our successes over more than 2 decades. This is a betrayal of poor people around the world. Here is a letter to MSF asking them to reconsider.
Letter_MSF’s restructuring of access work puts at risk the gains made by the Access Campaign and the access to medicines movement at large. 25