
yeah i don't think i will be trying to reclaim patriotism for the left this 4th of july. the civic religion is a fucking poison and i'm not going to swallow it
you can't look at a country that forces mandatory flag worship on its children and be like "maybe we can use that, though"
go look up civic religion on wikipedia
for good or bad it basically fills the hole we had left after we got rid of monarchs
So I guess we don't need it anymore.
It was very nice walking throat park today and seeing hundreds of people setting up for extended family relaxation time with cookouts and sports and also we should have space for and reasons for this kind of time that aren't flag waving day
Man I was in elementary school when I learned about that court case where they ruled that they can't make you say the pledge of allegiance and I haven't said it even once since then, I'm not changing now
i didn't either and i regularly got shit about it from teachers
Me too. Luckily for me my parents were on my side
It never ends well to engage in that sort of thing
Yeah I keep wanting to post like “this is my pride flag 🇺🇸” to try to take it away from fascist idiots but I’m 103% sure it would be read as the opposite of that. Still gonna do the overcompensating patriot avatar for the holiday, though, because it makes me lol.
Yeah I have a fashy family friend who has been posting that unironically
Maybe it would play better if one were getting spit roasted at the time. 🤔
Yeah, it's deeply, deeply fucked up. Oaths of allegiance, and flag worship, and all that weird, weird cult-y shit.