
I'mma say this for all the people in the back. Don't vote for a person. Vote for your rights, for the rights of others. On page 5 of Project 2025's 180-day plan they openly call for outlawing porn, recommending imprisoning anyone who creates it. Are you an NSFW artist, or like the art? THIS IS YOU.
This is one their website. They're laying the groundwork with all these ID laws to shut off all access to it, and if you don't think this applies to you, remember: they view ALL LGBT+ content as porn. There's a hundred other reasons, but if you draw, maybe consider where you'll be in the crossfire.
Just figured I'd add this. 20+ years ago the Justice Department, under Republican rule, declared the statue of Lady Justice obscene and pornographic and covered her with a cloth. They don't respect tasteful nudity. Don't think they'll respect you.
Oh, I remember this and Ashcroft. A lot of what Bush 2 did was the trial run for what we see in Project 2025. People had better get out and vote, because this is no time to screw around or fall back on the smug "both sides!" BS. Because I don't see anything like this coming from Democrats.
Yep. That's the thing. People may not like porn or NSFW, and that's totally fine. But a lot of people do, and of people will be swept up in something that was literally legal the day before. The problem is what they define as "porn" is too broad. Anything they don't like is porn or "the devil."
Exactly. I mean, they would classify a good chunk of fantasy art--like say, from Frazetta or Boris V--as porn.
Music, too. Imagine them going after Cardi B for WAP. Any sort of art will be lumped into specific categories, censored and controlled, and if not... it goes on "the list." And they're openly broadcasting this. It's a tired phrase, but "when people tell you who they are believe them."
"And they're openly broadcasting this." Yep. In a way, that is a good thing. They're not hiding it anymore, so we know exactly what they are planning. Which means we have no excuses; we have to push back on this and the best way is to vote.
these people think michaelangelo's david is pornographic, for fuck's sake!
They aren't telling who they are. It's MUCH worse.
I know the romance novel writer/reader community is concerned. Anyone who can be labeled a “smut peddler” will be lumped into this.
I've seen a fundamentalist christian textbook censor a Tolstoy short story to remove a brief mention of a woman breastfeeding her own infant child. There is no floor.
tbh the bible, sex ed materials, literally how babies are made, society needs to lock anyone up who even ADVOCATES for that/s but seriously, i prefer sfw spaces, and im pretty sure eliminating nsfw spaces is just gonna make avoiding it harder. although, prohibition worked well last 20s...
Many Democrats backed KOSA which was a push in this direction, a few of them continued even after LGBT rights and free speech groups pressured to drop it. But you're still partially right because it's way fewer of them.
Uh, dude from Missouri, all you need to know. His son is now the SoS there, probably the next governor. It's not going well for anyone who lives in that horrid horrid state.
He's actively trying to pull the same kind of library restrictive policies DeSantis pulled in Florida and most people don't even really know!
I stayed at my sisters for 3 months in Missouri. Day One back in AZ, 106 feels like 109 today. Official HEAT comparison is Steaming VS Oven Baking. Can anyone me tell IF Missourians are going to be able to vote on their referendum rights being taken away? Can't find it.
And we're headed for 113 on Wednesday in central CA. I've never seen 113.
I lived near the east end of Carmel Valley in the early 1970s, where it often hit 120 degrees in the summer. There was no humidity, so it was actually not all that unpleasant.
Know that area, didn't know it got that hot there. It's doable here, no humidity and it's like delta 40 so 70's at night, turn on the whole house fan for an hour about 5 and it'll be ok.
I'm not sure, but I'm guessing no, it's as hard red as state as their is. Completely red from top to bottom and fully gerrymandered. KC doesn't even get a vote.
Side question, but why did the curtains cost $8,000?
Probably because somebody was looking to take them home once all the BS blew over.
Unless the job is up for a bid, contractors will inflate the price of their contract to the government because an Act requires the government to pay any invoice in a prompt fashion or be on the hook for interest.
See project 2025 for the real objective about anything "pornographic". This is just the start.
yes 20 years ago all news sites looked like they were hosted on a geocites page do not make fun of your elders
This is horrifying! I'm terrified for everyone in the states :(
And they view all content that doesn't reinforce brutal gender norms as queer btw.
Whoever wrote that shit needs their internet history checked.