
today is the 161st anniversary of pickett’s charge, when 12,000 confederates marched across 3/4 of a mile of open land, directly into constant rifle and artillery fire. half the confederates were killed, wounded, or captured in the slaughter, a turning point in the battle of gettysburg and the war
I think we could all use a bit of pick-me-up right about now, so seeing as it's July 3rd, why don't we once again reflect on one of the greatest white supremacist self-owns in military history:
The state of Minnesota still has a Virginia confederate battle flag from Gettysburg. Virginia asks for it back from time to time and Mn says to fuck off - winners keepers. Ventura was much more animated about it. Anyway - it still sits locked away in Minnesota.
I live down the street from the John Brown Bell. We are never giving it back.
I mean that's probably the best part of being in Minnesota government is that you can say as an official act "lmao get wrekt nerds"
and that’s the right way to do it. furthermore i have always disliked virginia