
Can I be honest and say I think they will tell everyone they have to destroy all the components inside data centers for data security reasons and we will never get cheap equipment out of this probably
I can’t wait to buy a pallet of slightly burnt out NVidia graphics cards for pennies on the dollar
nah, you can buy old datacenter stuff for a song and tons of people do. old xeon chips, servers from a few generations ago, have been popular among enthusiasts for years. even stuff that once held data gets sold sometimes, u can buy refurb HDDs and stuff too
there are practicalities that suck, not everyone wants to run a homelab or a homeserver rack but - this stuff definitely winds up back on the market.
I wonder if that will change after a major burst though. Like right now it’s not hundreds of thousands of excess produced a week etc is it
ya that kinda what happened with crypto, it all gets sucked back into the grey market after being "refurbed", any GPUs that were of any value eventually resurface on aliexpress, sometimes Frankenstien cut together with other components to fit the consumer platform.
i would generally expect if it's of any value at all it to get written off to "recyclers" and eventually be refurbed and resold. but like, that's just deferring the enviromental consequences by one more generation it still winds up in a landfill
Weren't most of the crypto ones shot to shit? Or was it more that you couldn't tell a good one from a lemon up front?
nah, a very common belief but not in my opinion very valid. like anything else it comes down to how it was operated but optimal mining (post bitcoin so like after 2014) didn't hit the cards very hard and as such didn't stress them very much
i know tons of people who are still using ex miners. i would take an ex miner card from someone who knew how to take care of it and was incentivized to do so over some OEM hotbox that baked the component, which are very very common