its me coolcab

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its me coolcab

literally a skeleton from the 20s irl. no no no, the other 20s. he/him
whats up it's ya boi coolcab and guess who has been telling people he was 37 for am entire year inaccurately by mistake, getting his own age wrong again? this guy B)
most gaming rigs extremely marginally benefit from CPU power, and even a very low end modern generation CPU will probably be more than enough. likewise, games don't really benefit from >6 cores in most instances. save budget for your GPU!
okay it's time for a prompt post: respond to this post with a correction to a common misconception about something you know a lot about. if you feel like it, boost your response. (please use a kindly tone about it, otherwise i, your prompt curator, will get anxious.)
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If god is real how come my friend from Prague doesn't believe in them Czech mate's atheist
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Her: you better not be the Banana Slug Lemon Creature when I get there Me:
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It's London trans pride on 27 July. If you're horrified by Streeting's avowed intent to make the puberty blocker ban permanent, please step up and show it. There are a lot more of us cis folk than trans folk; we all need to use our voices and platforms. #PubertyBlockers
she called me a tory and blocked me. what a cool person! what stalwart allies trans people have in the labour party
who isn't fooling nobody again? go fuck yourself
who isn't fooling nobody again? go fuck yourself
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it annoys me when people use eco's ur fascism rhetorical trick of "enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak" as predictive of or evidence of someone being fascist. i think this is particularly strong in fascists but everyone does it! literally everyone!!!
made myself a birthday steak, a really nice ribeye (that i got super cheap cause of a voucher!). i haven't cooked a steak least 5 probably more like 10 years. garlic butter with diced spring onion, i think it's the best steak i've ever made
they just have never worked, the entire time i have been here. same with blocks which have similar problems - they both are extremely user hostile, confusing and subject to abuse, but favour big accounts so they all wax poetic about how great and important they are for our safety.
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if only there were some sort of structure with different compartments in which I could store my laundry rather than leaving it piled up on a chair all week
it's kind of weird that "parasocial" has been narrowly defined to mean "follower who beleives they have developed a relationship with someone popular". in my opinion clout is an expression of parasociality - a belief in a relationship with your followers, or your haters, and expectations (cont)
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we’re trapped in the belly of this horrible machine and the machine is bleeding to death. which is good, because now we can change the machine from within.
i just put on the wrong moisterizer and had the honest reaction of, oh no! this is the energizing blend, for mornings! the invigorating ginger is going to keep me awake!
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giving narcissists the power of blocklists is working well on this site
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the day i landed here I said "moderation by subscription blocklists is ridiculous and will end up like it always does, list authors using them as a catch all for anyone they dislike for any reason" and wow, nothing has happened to change my mind
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My condolences for the man who was barely injured despite his intentions to kill me. I hope he has a swift recovery so I can be killed faster and with vigor
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They literally have to teach young kids what to do if a classmate starts shooting up the place but, yeah, this is what’s shattered the “illusion of security”
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My condolences for the man who was barely injured despite his intentions to kill me. I hope he has a swift recovery so I can be killed faster and with vigor
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sorry for the Twitter post but
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Some of yall will literally have sex with Adolf Hitler and then come on here and post about how books need to be lighter because heavy books are ableist towards people with chronic pains. Well I guess no one has done that. But could you imagine
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With the lights out It’s less dangerous Here’s Tesco now Entertain us
I dislike Tesco’s definitive Hello. Hello full stop Hello period Hello. Hello. Hello🔴
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how people managed to make this place more miserable to post on than the site owned by elon musk should be studied by academics
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People literally didn't vote for this Wes, even of the weirdos in Reform, only 7% had trans issues in their top three voting issues. This is not a "public health issue" (as the defence kept making out yesterday), it is not in the public interest, because outside a handful of weirdos, no-one cares
Tell me again how "the grown ups are in the room." 16 kids have died so far. Labour want to make the ban on puberty blockers permanent, based solely on a hateful ideology, not science.
for YEARS i thought this was a made up joke TV brand. get it - it's a low brow beer, so they call it low-en-brow?
i will say: seeing the rpg tags in periodically in the screenshots of multiple people apocalyptically fighting is making this round much, much funnier. you piece of shit you asshole! fucker! (screenshot that says ORC - SWASHBUCKLER)