Rachel Moss

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Rachel Moss


Senior lecturer in medieval history, feminist, parent, widow, sequin aficionado. Current research interests: late medieval family, gender, literary culture; medievalism and the extreme right.
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You think I’m kidding…
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Dunno, I just think it's more useful to treat them as hunan fascists who can be stopped rather than elemental atavistic forces who'll come what may
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Remember the day Trump was found guilty? Feels like it happened a year ago right? It was 45 days ago. Barely six weeks. The election is in 113 days. You do you, but we're going to live a decade in the next 4 months so maybe stop assuming every Big thing that happens is the definitive one.
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On Saturday a wholesome afternoon of fantasizing about concentration camps and plotting to overturn the coming election was disrupted by violence
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And this is how fascism wins. It convinces moderates to stop using the correct language to name what our enemy is and make no mistake. Trump and the Republicans are a fascist anti-democratic enemy to every real American who believes in the Constitution and rule of law. Do not stay silent.
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“Being a brilliant writer does not elevate one above the common smallness of being a person.”
“When the fact of the awful thing happening to you goes unrecorded and unremarked. It is a kind of death and a kind of dream. You are in a play you are powerless to leave.“
what i'm doing about alice munroopen.substack.com why i hate art monster discourse
#PoliticisedNostalgias is a wrap - we return in September to discuss future directions of the project, including a network, an edited collection and more! Thank you to everyone who attended and particularly thank you to our 24!! amazing speakers!
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A near certainty FPOTUS will declare the election fraudulent if he loses. What's new this time is an infrastructure ready in advance to support that antidemocratic push. Will the American experiment overcome this existential threat?
Project 2025 authors at the Heritage Foundation are already alleging the next election will be stolen, claiming any result other than a Trump victory in November will have been the result of fraud and will be challenged.
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this is a narrative being created!
NPR dedicated an entire news hit to Biden calling Zelenskyy "Putin" & quickly correcting himself where they interviewed audibly confused Ukrainians in Kyiv about whether they thought it was a big deal (they didn't).
Sorry I haven't been livetweeting #PoliticisedNostalgias today - I find when I'm listening online rather than in person I have to listen harder, somehow?? But it's been a superb afternoon thus far!!
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Question for experts on the history/scholarship of romance: has anyone compiled a list of, or written about, romance authors revising their own work to remove or change content, especially around consent issues? I’m thinking of things like McNaught’s revision of Whitney, My Love in 1999
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For those pointing out the harm of Pr*ject '25 on education (banning af-am, queer studies etc) you should know the UK just quietly cancelled its ONLY MA in Queer History without needing a political revolution. Goldsmith's management just said "not profitable", fired the programme lead, & ended it 🗃️
Who else dresses thematically for conferences?! #PoliticisedNostalgias starts at NOON! 🗃️
Here is what awaits you at #PoliticisedNostalgias today! 9 great speakers discussing topics ranging from antiquity to the present day, crossing the globe. Overall we'll have had 23 speakers for this event. Exciting things are coming! 🗃️
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It's pretty stunning that a party can be this internally chaotic and self-immolating, and still have a 50/50 shot to control the entirety of the federal government.
As soon as I saw this case I said "he'll be the ex of one of them" and of course it seems to be the case. It's so exhausting, these endless cases of men taking out their anger on women. Just nauseating. Why can't the media have the conversation about the real issue??
It’s weird to see a headline about the murders of three women in their home by a man who seems to have been known to them, and the headline is about outlawing the highly specific weapon used. I don’t think the crossbow is the problem here.
Just ask: could it be sepsis? I was “lucky” w/my sepsis experience: 3xIV antibiotics,8 days in hospital,6 weeks off work, 6 months until I felt “normal”. But no ICU, no permanent injury: because I called 999 & was treated under the sepsis protocol. Learn the symptoms: sepsistrust.org/about/about-...
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My favorite tried-and-true resistance tactic: Being Extremely Fucking Annoying.
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Look how Reform voters’ views are far away from everyone else. Lib Dem and Labour virtually the same.
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For those teaching, researching, or interested in visualizing Greek myth, there is an invaluable new interactive map & database of Greek mythic persons, objects, & places called MANTO. The raw linked open data alone is stunning but the maps are also fantastic [1/4] manto.unh.edu/viewer.p/60/...
I’ve just had two days off - to go to a spa with a friend! So nice and restorative. Excited to have day 2 of #politicisednostalgias on Friday - expect an email tomorrow 🙂
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genuinely great workshop on Politicised Nostalgias yesterday at UON - thank you @menysnoweballes.bsky.social & @siobhanhyland.bsky.social! - lots of fascinating presentations and ideas, which made miserable journeys there and back worthwhile
Had a wonderfully intellectually stimulating day and then ate sushi with a friend - while buoyed up by glee in conservative losses. Can’t get much better than that!
Final session of #politicisednostalgias is on N America - Jennifer Cowe discusses Trudeau, the Freedom Convoy, restorative nostalgia and the rhetorical spectre of populism 🗃️
Session 4 of #politicisednostalgias - we’re absolutely banging through papers! Alessandro Micocci on the Lisbon controversy on nostalgic colonial heritages - considering Portuguese inferiority complex about its “decadent” history & “reclaiming” its imperial legacy
Session 3 for #PoliticisedNostalgias starts with Trond Klevgaard who is working on the history of graphic design - Searching for socialism: Digital nostalgia for the many - very timely paper today! 🗃️