Dr Izzy Jayasinghe

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Dr Izzy Jayasinghe


Scientist | curator of Micro Nano Bio feed for Bluesky | she/her | 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ | formerly in Sheffield, UK; now working in UNSW, Sydney | mostly posting science, funding, equality&inclusion, and politics | posts reflect my personal view only.
Hand on heart, Australia is proving to be the coldest and wettest country I've lived in so far, and it's not even funny. FYI: I've lived in New Zealand and England for a combined total of 2/3 of my life.
Movie recommendation for Pride month 👇🏾
PSA if you want an uplifting Pride watch, please check out, appropriately enough, Pride (2014), the true story of Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners, a London-based gay rights group that went to Wales to support the miners' strike in the 80s; it's on Peacock.
Harrowing but entirely unsurprising analysis on the prevalence of bullying & harassment in these science fields. All data pointing to how marginalised groups experiencing these epidemic proportions of bad behaviours at work. The data is so striking, but will it lead to meaningful change?🧪
A bullying problem reveals an astronomy and geophysics community in crisis - Nature Astronomywww.nature.com A survey of astronomy and geophysics professionals has revealed prevalent bullying and harassment within the sector, with women and marginalized groups most likely to suffer. It is time for the commun...
Just saying this louder for those in the back: Britain. #IDAHOBIT
Section 28 didn’t come out of nowhere. It came from a society where 75% thought homosexuality was wrong. From a society that feared the sight of a man in drag would corrupt. From a society that believed ignorance was better for children than any knowledge of gay lives. 🧵 1/16
A pet peeve in science academia for me is PIs / Group Leaders inviting ECRs or postdocs with new skill/techniques to run some experiments for them & not putting that work in their paper (and more frustratingly, not including these ECRs as contributors to the conception of the ideas). 🧪
You know you are in Australia when the top news stories include one about a venomous snake called “Fluffy” that lives in a ute (pick up truck) that its owner continues to drive around.
If there was ever a moment when you feel down or nervous ahead of a big meeting or an interview, “Obama’s best comebacks” compilations on YouTube never fails to deliver. #AcademicBlueSky
So stoked to be living within a 15 min drive from this, yet in one the biggest cities in the region. Fun fact: the final scenes of Mission Impossible II were filmed on this island.
It’s hilarious seeing Phil Baty (from Times Higher Ed) re-sharing this article on LinkedIn and jumping on this conversation, when the metric/rankings driven approach that he champions is at (or at least very near) the centre of what drives crappy workplace/industry-wide cultures like this.
A study on what many of us already know: over 75% of internal service work in academia is done by women. The bit that gets me:”The male associate professors in particular made it clear that they actively engaged in evasiveness and did not want to participate if it was not positive for their careers”
Women end up doing the academic houseworkkifinfo.no
This post seems to have touched a nerve. Baffling though that some folks in the replies still don’t get why 👇🏾
A study on what many of us already know: over 75% of internal service work in academia is done by women. The bit that gets me:”The male associate professors in particular made it clear that they actively engaged in evasiveness and did not want to participate if it was not positive for their careers”
Women end up doing the academic houseworkkifinfo.no
This has been found in many professions and workplaces, and contributes significantly to the 'sticky floor' phenomenon that sees women and people in minority groups make slower progress in their careers despite entering on equal terms with white men. Fair recruitment is only the start of equality.
A study on what many of us already know: over 75% of internal service work in academia is done by women. The bit that gets me:”The male associate professors in particular made it clear that they actively engaged in evasiveness and did not want to participate if it was not positive for their careers”
Women end up doing the academic houseworkkifinfo.no
Data related to an EDI-focused UKERC fund… …the upper plots show racial and ethnic variability in fund recipients (right) vs. the overall UKERC demographic (left), whereas the lower one shows the gender identity of fund applicants vs. the overall UKERC demographic… Make of this what you will.
A study on what many of us already know: over 75% of internal service work in academia is done by women. The bit that gets me:”The male associate professors in particular made it clear that they actively engaged in evasiveness and did not want to participate if it was not positive for their careers”
Women end up doing the academic houseworkkifinfo.no
And if you try to do that as a woman you're seen as uncollegial
A study on what many of us already know: over 75% of internal service work in academia is done by women. The bit that gets me:”The male associate professors in particular made it clear that they actively engaged in evasiveness and did not want to participate if it was not positive for their careers”
Women end up doing the academic houseworkkifinfo.no
For me it was this, which we all knew happened, but still! “Several said that they actively didn’t respond to emails, or acted in an exaggerated disorganised manner. This meant they were assigned fewer tasks, but were also less frequently asked, and thus got away without doing service.”
A study on what many of us already know: over 75% of internal service work in academia is done by women. The bit that gets me:”The male associate professors in particular made it clear that they actively engaged in evasiveness and did not want to participate if it was not positive for their careers”
Women end up doing the academic houseworkkifinfo.no
I miss my friends and colleagues in the UK, truly, but in times like these do I regret leaving the UK for good? Nope.
The redundancies and course closures proposed at many struggling UK universities follow a decades-long drift away from the idea of higher education institutions as charities whose non-commercial public benefit needs to be supported by profit-making activity, argues Martin Mills
Charity cases: Why UK universities are really going brokewww.timeshighereducation.com The redundancies and course closures proposed at many struggling UK universities follow a decades-long drift away from the idea of higher education institutions as charities whose non-commercial publi...
I know we’re four years on from The End of #Racism™️…but if you’re still interested in learning about the deeply personal impacts of racism, this story about Vinicius Junior, a footballer at Real Madrid, is well worth 3 mins of your time: www.bbc.co.uk/sport/footba...
Vinicius feels 'less like playing' over racist abusewww.bbc.co.uk Brazil and Real Madrid winger Vinicius Jr feels
New weekend green spot in the middle of Sydney unlocked 🔓 with @jessgifkins.bsky.social 🥰
Hmm... How should I put this 🤔 🦘
This hit hard 👉 ”‘high-effort coping’: working harder than others to succeed, because of anticipated or experienced hostility”.
“There is a cost for success in STEM academia. The few minoritized people who seem to thrive might be doing what psychologists call ‘high-effort coping’” True words by Jean King, and gosh, do I not feel it.
Why the mental cost of a STEM career can be too high for women and people of colourwww.nature.com Under-represented groups face chronic barriers, creating psychological — and physical — effects. The scientific community must ease this burden. Under-represented groups face chronic barriers, creatin...
Kudos as well to Dr. King for reframing the question: "what is the cost for women, particularly those of colour, to survive and thrive in STEM — and what can we do to reduce it?" It's not just about questioning why there are so few women (of colour) in STEM, but also the working environment.
“There is a cost for success in STEM academia. The few minoritized people who seem to thrive might be doing what psychologists call ‘high-effort coping’” True words by Jean King, and gosh, do I not feel it.
Why the mental cost of a STEM career can be too high for women and people of colourwww.nature.com Under-represented groups face chronic barriers, creating psychological — and physical — effects. The scientific community must ease this burden. Under-represented groups face chronic barriers, creatin...
Makes sense. Sometimes I leave institutional meetings, look at my FitBit and the heart rates/active minutes are comparable to when I've done 1h of Ashtanga Yoga.
“There is a cost for success in STEM academia. The few minoritized people who seem to thrive might be doing what psychologists call ‘high-effort coping’” True words by Jean King, and gosh, do I not feel it.
Why the mental cost of a STEM career can be too high for women and people of colourwww.nature.com Under-represented groups face chronic barriers, creating psychological — and physical — effects. The scientific community must ease this burden. Under-represented groups face chronic barriers, creatin...
JOBS: 4 year PDRA post until. Deadline 6th March. Looking for microscopists eg single molecule tracking, SIM, STORM, expansion microscopy, quantitative single cell microscopy, to investigate bacterial cell division. Apply here: warwick-careers.tal.net/vx/appcentre... #microsky #microscopy 🔬🦠🧫