Mr. Am I Being Detained

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Mr. Am I Being Detained

Chief of da autism police and boss of the Irish Mob at the same time. Cousin, I’m a union man.
reskeet with a tweet you still think about
reskeet with a tweet you still think about
It's too bad the Age of Discovery is over. I just found something
White people love to be named “Keir Starmer”
Best self-defense advice I've heard is "carry two knives," because a lot of people carry a knife for self-defense but the only person who'd carry two is some sort of crazy knife-lover you'd better not mess with.
People are getting mad at this guy instead of rejoicing at the buried lede that Martin Mull is alive after all
This is the tradcath weirdo whom the is publishing to tell you not to vote. You should not listen to him. Instead, you should shove his ass into a locker and burn the entire campus containing said locker to the ground. (The campus is Hillsdale)
Dog I am not ready for the “Labour’s success proves Biden must get more transphobic” takes
Meme posted by the most unpleasant asshole you know: the problem with being empathetic is that everyone tries to take advantage of you
A weird messaging advantage to Trump as the figurehead is because he’s so personally crass people overlook that the people handling policy would be Michael Shannon’s character on Boardwalk Empire
I don't think "Trump will ban porn if he gets elected" is a winning message with the entire electorate but it probably is a winning message if you want to damper the enthusiasm of the already-only- marginally-committed-to-voting Barstool/Manosphere frat dudes for Trump.
The president in a wheelchair was a full 20 years younger than Biden, what is the point of conflating age and physical difficulties like this
IMO this is a straight-up ageist and ableist image, no?
It used to annoy me how stupid Threads was but I’m getting kind of obsessed with it
One thing we can all agree on: whichever campaign staffer wished Gaza wasn’t Biden’s biggest liability shouldn’t get to use the monkey’s paw anymore
I don’t even wanna be around anymore
honestly they’re kinda cooking with this
Haven’t really kept up on whether this is still in vogue but we love a self-care king
How many “The Tories Should Never Have Gone Woke” columns do you think were prewritten
This man did not vote in 2020 because he was killed in the Blitz
Hopefully someone will check the Michigan voter file to see if it is true that this lad does not vote
A good Labour landslide that doesn’t come at the expense of any principles or positive vision
I am excited to see the Tories get obliterated today but I would be significantly more excited if Labour hadn’t made a hard turn into TERFdom the trans people of the UK deserve so much better
Cosby is so fucking good every time and also one of the sweetest authors I’ve ever met in person, best of both worlds
Finally read S. A. Cosby’s Blacktop Wasteland and it’s so fucking good. Oyeyemi’s Parasol Against the Axe is weird & gorgeous. Spufford’s Light Perpetual is everything I wanted it to be. Buehlman’s The Daughter’s War broke my heart. Craft: Stories I Wrote for the Devil by Lima is a wicked delight.
“I love America like Anthony Bourdain or Woody Guthrie did” is the phrasing I’ve settled on
Not to be corny but I do think the ongoing aspiration to make America a pluralist democracy of equals is righteous, beautiful, and worth honoring, even if it has more often been the struggle of minorities & dissenters than the policy of the government. 🇺🇸
Think part of how I figured out I’m probably non-binary is I wish I had Storme DeLarverie’s swag specifically
Keep thinking it's Saturday, vibes are gonna be absolutely unsalvageable tomorrow, save me Momala
It’s weird being an environmental reporter right now because like all our reporting is about the stakes but no one reads policy news compared to straight political news
"Gavin Newsom is starting a podcast with Marshawn Lynch" sounds like one of those details that you would spot in the background of a movie that tipped you off that the main character was actually dying the whole time
John Roberts must be the most neurotypical person in existence because the immunity ruling reads like someone who has never had a single “but what if…???” anxiety spiral in his life
New season of Babylon Berlin features an American gangster played by an Israeli actor but I can’t really tell because the Israeli accent sounds kind of like an American speaking German anyway
A formidable contender has emerged as a potential Democratic presidential candidate: a mysterious man with a mustache named Mr. Amabo, who comes from someplace far away
Hit the 140-page mark in my book after feeling for a while like I'd never cross 100.
Nobody has said this in like 10 years you dumb sad bitch
Only if you believe that "all bodies are beautiful," or whatever the slogan of the month is.