Yadvinder Malhi

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Yadvinder Malhi


Prof of Ecosystem Science, loves tropical forests; Director Leverhulme Centre for @NatureRecovery; Trustee @NHM_London; past-President of @BritishEcolSoc; CBE FRS
1/ The ecosystem function of Africa’s forests has received much less attention than other regions. In a new paper in @NatureComms led by @_h_zhang we present a detailed description of productivity and carbon dynamics along a wet-dry gradient in Ghana and compare with Amazonia t.co/S6Z8BtyAoy
Contrasting carbon cycle along tropical forest aridity gradients in West Africa and Amazonia - Nature Communicationst.co This study finds that West African ecosystems are generally more productive than equivalent ecosystems in Amazonia. It also suggests that a semi-deciduous forest site in Ghana is the world’s most prod...
If you missed @ymalhi.bsky.social talk last Friday on what an energetic view of life on Earth can tell us about nature decline and recovery, you can watch it here now: youtu.be/t35HLM6BZI0
Here is the video recording of my talk exploring what energy flow through ecosystems can tell us about nature's health and functions, and in particular, bring the roles of animal wildlife more firmly into our understanding of how the biosphere functions
If you missed @ymalhi.bsky.social talk last Friday on what an energetic view of life on Earth can tell us about nature decline and recovery, you can watch it here now: youtu.be/t35HLM6BZI0
Looking forward to talking about what an energy flow view of nature can (and cannot) tell us about nature loss and recovery. Friday next week at 415 pm, in person at Oxford Geography and online too
We're pleased to announce that our very own Yadvinder Malhi, @ymalhi.bsky.social will be speaking at our Nature Seminar on Feb 16th. 'Captured sunshine: what can an energetic view of life on Earth tell us about nature decline and recovery?' Join us, in person and online: bookwhen.com/oxfordbiodiv...
I just finished reading "The Blue Machine" by @helenczerski.bsky.social: a beautifully written exploration of how the ocean functions, spanning big systems view of our ocean planet with intimate human connection and call to action. I learned a lot - recommended! www.penguin.co.uk/books/441190...
Blue Machinewww.penguin.co.uk RADIO 4 BOOK OF THE WEEK FINANCIAL TIMES 2023 BOOK OF THE YEAR THE TIMES SCIENCE BOOK OF THE YEAR: 'This beautifully written, sweeping guide shows how the deep movement of the seas have ruled our live...
Looking forward to talking about what an energy flow view of nature can (and cannot) tell us about nature loss and recovery. Friday next week at 415 pm, in person at Oxford Geography and online too
We're pleased to announce that our very own Yadvinder Malhi, @ymalhi.bsky.social will be speaking at our Nature Seminar on Feb 16th. 'Captured sunshine: what can an energetic view of life on Earth tell us about nature decline and recovery?' Join us, in person and online: bookwhen.com/oxfordbiodiv...
We're pleased to announce that our very own Yadvinder Malhi, @ymalhi.bsky.social will be speaking at our Nature Seminar on Feb 16th. 'Captured sunshine: what can an energetic view of life on Earth tell us about nature decline and recovery?' Join us, in person and online: bookwhen.com/oxfordbiodiv...
Scientists challenge ‘flawed communication’ of study claiming 1.5C warming breach | @ayeshatandon.bsky.social w/comment from @ymalhi.bsky.social @frediotto.bsky.social @hausfath.bsky.social @climateofgavin.bsky.social Read here: bit.ly/49lEMns
Plastic homes of hermit crabs in the Anthropocene 🌏🌎🌍🦀🛖 (via @ymalhi.bsky.social) doi.org/10.1016/j.sc...
Interested in large language models? Worried about impacts of climate change? Come join us in pushing the frontiers in #LLMs and at the same time help #NatureRecovery bit.ly/4750IBO more about our exciting work: naturerecovery.ox.ac.uk
The Guardian asked about what mysteries about the natural world intrigued us (not necessarily about challenges). I chose what role animals play in shaping the functioning of the planet- the global biosphere is so much more than vegetation and phytoplankton www.theguardian.com/environment/...
Great unknowns: nine top scientists on the one mystery on Earth they’d like to solvewww.theguardian.com What are the greatest secrets that remain about life on our planet – and how might they affect our future? We asked the experts to pick one burning question
Welcome to BES Annual Meeting 2023 by @ymalhi.bsky.social. Looking forward to the next days @britishecolsoc.bsky.social #BES2023
I will be talking this Thursday (online only) as part of the Oxford Botanic Garden Autumn Science Series on "Tropical Forests and Planet Earth". All welcome Thurs 30 Nov, 19:00. Free & online. Register: go.glam.ox.ac.uk/-YA-uhZ0x
1. This is a thread about waste plant and animal fats, which for 20 years have been promoted as the magic potions that would solve all our transport problems. It doesn’t matter how often this story gets debunked: unlike these commodities, it appears to be endlessly recyclable.
I will be talking this Thursday (online only) as part of the Oxford Botanic Garden Autumn Science Series on "Tropical Forests and Planet Earth". All welcome Thurs 30 Nov, 19:00. Free & online. Register: go.glam.ox.ac.uk/-YA-uhZ0x
Looking forward to hearing from Sophie Monsarrat from Rewilding Europe during our #Nature series seminar today. Sophie will be talking about #Rewilding European landscapes, the lessons learned & future directions for science & practice. In person & online, oxfordbiodiversitynetwork.bookwhen.com
Mapping Industrial Influences on Earth's Ecology 🌏🧪https://www.annualreviews.org/doi/full/10.1146/annurev-environ-112420-013640
On Friday @dbenton.bsky.social Have a fascinating analysis of how land use in the UK can change to give us everything we need from land, & what trade-offs policymakers will have to make to enable land to change rapidly enough to meet our goals. Watch here: youtu.be/UqaLEJJa-cA
Can we have it all from the land? Dustin Benton, Green Allianceyoutu.be Over the past half decade, the UK has set a net zero goal and nature restoration targets, both of which require very substantial land use change. However, th...
Just in time for Halloween, money spiders (?) casting dense webs in #PortMeadow Oxford 🕸️
Great talk coming up this Friday from @erleellis, 'Nature is Culture'. On-line and in person, followed by a drinks reception. Don't forget to register your place in advance: bookwhen.com/oxfordbiodiv...
The State of the World's Plants and Fungi report from Kew is out. Species loss makes me think of two trees, American chestnut, which has a chance to make a comeback, and Franklinia alatamaha, a beautiful tree that now exists only in gardens, and would be extinct if not for its accidental discovery.