
It's literally insane how dead it is. And I sometimes see art blowing up (comparatively) in the FYP, but then it has like 100k likes and 6 comments, absolutely no balance. If I were to put on the tinfoil head, I'd say they give big users bot engagement to lock them to the app with false promises.
I'm so glad I left. Occasionally I still think, "ya know, my art would probably get more attention on Twitter than here, maybe no one cares for me here. Maybe I'll go back. " BUT NOPE! NOPE!
Back in the Twitter days, I know some artists were like "Replies help engagement!" So I tried to leave a silly little comment but sometimes I felt like a goofball for doing it so I always ask artists: Benign or silly comments to art: yes or no?
I rather enjoy reading replies way more than random likes.
I just run out of ways to say "I really like this one" eventually
I like it! It kind of sucks just sending things into the void. My ranking for favorite comments is: Silly little comment (harmless) Compliment Insult (well crafted) Silly little comment (mean) Insult (poorly crafted) Incorrect correction
Wait, you like silly comments more than actual compliments? My worldview of artists is changing.
Yeah! That's my personal preference, but I really prefer fun over flattery!
I LOVE those replies because it gives the brain that dopamine hit of "someone saw this and felt like responding to it!"
Always a yes from me! Even if it’s just one emoji, it’s nice to know someone saw the art, liked it, and felt like saying something as a reaction to it!
Yes! I do this and it helps me make friends. Please do this. Most of us like talking to folks.
Life is too short to hide your genuine enthusiasm
Yes! post silly comments on me they do not always have to be professional
I enjoy the rare comment I get, makes me feel like my art is actually being seen and it does improve my mood a lot.
People saying words at my stuff is a treat, no matter how small or silly! Never got it on Twitter though, comments of any kind feel mostly contained to Tumblr culture.
Sometimes I just say “wow!” Or “Neat” because if I don’t make comments on social media, the platform sometimes decides I don’t deserve to see that person’s posts anymore.
Yes! Silly comment, emoji, nice words. They’re all great! And thank you for doing that and for asking!
Heck yes. It still indicates someone saw this and had an opinion about it.
Yes, yes, yes. Always yes. On the flip side though, without occasional engagement, even as simple as liking a reply, I tend to drift away from an artist. It's a social network. Be social. Followers and supporters like being acknowledged too.
Silly little comments boost mood and morale! 😌
I love comments of any kind as long as they aren’t mean spirited. It lets me know that people are actually seeing it and not just scrolling past the art.
I saw the same thing and always try to leave a comment if I like something. I'm not so good at art myself so it's not usually particularly insightful, but it's fun to do and almost always the artist will reply back excitedly.
Replies are everything! It shows people spent time to really appreciate your work. Even if it's silly, it's really great to get them ^^
I want your most unhinged out-of- pocket comments, something that will make me view my art in a new way 😆 i dont see it as an insult, I call this academic rigor
I adore interaction with people. I try to respond to every single person who takes the time out of their day to let me know they liked something I did
Absolutely yes! Any level of positive interaction with art is encouraging for artists
I hope it's a yes, I silly little comment so frequently lmao I enjoy it when people notice things or say they like my art for sure, way more than just likes.
Even silly comments on my art will absolutely make my day.
Yesss Please yes I mean I'm barely up and posting here cos busy but In Theory I love getting comments
Always love replies (even goofy ones non-senisical ones) moreso than likes or even retweets