
🎉 My newsletter just went out! You can read it (and subscribe if you like) here: Contents include: * What a new galaxy survey might be telling us about dark energy * Why we rank distant galaxies by *color*, not distance or time * Links to cool recent stuff
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I do a lot of writing for magazines and such (see my stuff in BBC Science Focus, for instance) but in the newsletter I'm a little more off-the-cuff and I can do things like point out that both Quanta Magazine and the New York Times had major physics errors in their recent coverage of dark energy 👀
In case you're curious: In the NYT piece on the DESI dark energy result, author claimed a cosmological constant rips structures apart (it doesn't). In the Quanta piece, author claimed dilution of matter causes decelerated cosmic expansion (a massive misunderstanding of the physics).
surprising to see Quanta misstep like that!
Was this the DESI thing on the derivative of the cosmological constant? I’m not even close to being a cosmologist, but it seems to me to be a somewhat nonphysical parameterization, but that could very well just be my ignorance.
But now I’m regretting even posting a little because I really don’t know anything about this stuff!
It was on the derivative of the equation of state (w), technically, which relates to the difference between a cosmological constant (w=-1) and dynamical dark energy (w anything other than -1)