
lore can be fun to play with but it should never stand in the way of telling the story you want to tell it is a side dish, not the main course
Hell yeah, dawg. More of this
it is sad that something as potentially fun as lore for a video game or film immediately gets coopted by the most obsessive and self righteously unpleasant aspects of the fan base micah
Who is sitting there watching stuff made to entertain us and filling out little spreadsheets to make sure continuity is maintained across multiple movies??? Seems like a sad way to approach this stuff imho
u mentioned the fallout series ian and the anger over some perceived slight to one of the games on a blackboard was just a little bizarre tbh
Really seems like "fandom" has come to mean a social pressure to make yourself hate the thing you've built your personality around
"nobody hates Star Wars as much as Star Wars fans" is supposed to be a joke, not an instruction manual
There are two truths: Nobody hates Star Wars as much as Star Wars fans. The only thing Star Wars fans hate more than Star Wars is other Star Wars fans.
This is how you know it will be a religion one day.
"You were meant to enjoy Star Wars, not leave it in darkness!" His Holiness Chad "Korveus" Belmonte, 3rd Temple Master of New York, to his former pupil and 4th Temple master of Mew York Bradly "Iconus" Martin-Smith, at his execution.
I see you have never met an SNL fan before.
The movies seem to take this as an aspirational goal though.