Rusty Ralston, the ðude. 🍉

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Rusty Ralston, the ðude. 🍉

A Pre-WGA Writer, IP Anarchist, Pyromaniac (reason for escape room ban), Chronic Reskeeter, BlueSky Elder and a proud astronaut fetishist. 18+ please, I reskeet boobs. 24, pan/poly. They/Them pronouns in bio. (art by bakertoons) (rt =/= endorsement)
Republican president was shot by a Republican because of an environment of normalized violence that Republicans insist we all live in, and somehow this means that both sides need to tone it all the way down, which in practice means that Democrats and only Democratic need to stop talking entirely.
Robert Evans did a great 45 minute podcast for anyone who needs to hear it right now: fuck fascists, and fuck giving up. They are not as strong as you think they are.
I do not believe that Everything Is Fine and Everything Will Absolutely Work Out - I am absolutely an incredibly bleak pessimist at heart - but I also really, really *hate* declaring defeat and doom way before we know what’s going to happen.
Don't Panic - It Could Happen Here | <p>These are frightening times, but Robert explains why now is not the time to panic. The situation is not as dire or hopeless as many people want you to believe, and there's a lot of good evidence to...
if you want to become truly ungovernable, ROAR LIKE A FUCKING LION at the people who want to sell you a dismal future full of misery and disappointment.
they want and need everyone to believe that it is hopeless and that nothing matters and that nothing will ever get better, but, like, they’re wrong. they’re liars. they lie, depression lies, this whole thing is a fucking con to get you to think that submission is better than liberty.
If you had to choose between a decades-long friendship and creative partnership or being third-billed in another Jumanji sequel, who among us wouldn't slap on that pith helmet and cash that check?
Cheap Thrills Chapter 4 Page 316 is now on Patreon:
This has not risen as far as it should have considering the blatant proof of personhood, and Fidaa going out of her way to try and help save her family
Fidaa has sent me another video and I told her I would post it on her behalf, she says the date and states my name directly to further verify she and her family. Here is the link to the GFM:
Fidaa has sent me another video which addresses me specifically. Please give to her campaign ❤️☪️
CW: transphobia THIS is what people on this website are supporting right now. THIS is the sort of thing that people are saying *is not* transmisogyny. THIS is what trans women are supposedly “racist” for calling out. For fuck’s sakes LOOK AT WHAT IS BEING SAID TO US before you pick your sides here
Lol, our power company is using "mutual aid" in its PR, and more correctly than the people using it as a euphemism for charity
an important lesson to learn is when to complain about the dems and when to keep quiet and you start to learn it when the first fascist thinks you agree with them
i don't need to hear katy perry's new single, i think she just needs to crawl into the celebrity big brother circut like all the other wash-ups
bruh what the fuck is going on in this new Katy Perry video.
I, like many, wondered how Katy Perry could put out a song as utterly clueless and dead on arrival as Woman's World. Now I see part of the problem: It has more people in the songwriting credits than a PTA meeting and in particular includes Dr. Luke... you know, the one Ke$ha took to court? That guy.
let the irony not be lost on u that this is the same ken white popehat who wrote an article in 2022 titled "our fundamental right to shame and shun the new york times." what about my fundamental right to take a big fat shit on ur chest ken. did u think ab that? bye bye sad boobs. its angry boob time
took u long enough bozo
bluesky where we have central moderation for cis people but if you don't want to see transphobic harassment you need to subscribe to this labeller, fit for all your specific tranny needs, run by a sex pest
a rule of thumb is it's never ok to say or imply that trans women are men. even if they are being shitty. that's not a lever you pull.
This is something that I think the favorability polling misses. People dislike Biden in a general way, but they really hate Trump in a way that they actively do not wish him well. The number doesn't catch the depth of the feeling, and that matters in an election like this.
I think the phenomenon I've really seen is how many regular people had the reaction of wishing a former president had had his brains blown out on live TV. Not freaks or radicals, someone's mom.
i think a lot of people on this website are hurting and it would be nice if we could figure out ways that everyone wasn't crashing into each other's bruises all the time
Anyone who grew up poor who wants to tell you that people are poor because they just aren't trying hard enough, or, worse, that they "like it that way" is not someone you should want to sit next to. Perhaps you should throw them out of the bus. When it's moving. On a freeway. Who am I to say.
a lot of people with disabilities also post amazon wishlists for essentials because SSDI puts severe limitations on income and cash gifts. i won't be shopping on amazon for myself but there are situations i'll absolutely use it.
It's almost "Prime Day". If you look on your favorite shelter's website or instagram you might find that they have an amazon wishlist and that many of their items might be on sale. I hate amazon, I definitely encourage people to shop local whenever possible, but I'm just putting the info out there.
Wow kinda sucks to find out that Jack Black is a loser who can’t take a fucking flippant comment about topical events.
Every state is more "purple" than people think. More Californians than Texans voted for Trump in 2020; more Texans than New Yorkers voted for Biden in 2020. If we ditched the Electoral College and instituted Ranked Choice Voting, politics would look very different on every level than they do now.
I went to Bowling Green and then lived in the Cleveland area after for about 10 years. The state is not as backwards as the rest of the country thinks.
As soon as we learned that Crooks was a registered Republican it was clear that the assassination attempt was going to be a two-day story.
I have no idea what the actual reality is but I assume the polls are in some sense "wrong" because logically I can't fit together: 1) Biden at 48% 2) Alternatives to Biden also at 48% 3) Dem Senate candidates running 10-15 points ahead of Biden
yhinking about my vest today for no reason in particular
LOL 'Far-Left' holy shit the level of copium must be near lethal
I think one of the most infuriating things to me is how well our enemies can overcome their disdain for each other to work toward our destruction while we seem to be obsessed with dividing our communities even in the face of existential threats.
you know i’ve barely said anything about that journalist but like i can read what y’all have been saying about trans women in retaliation to all this