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Educator, crafter of “finely” curated replies (this claim is under further review by community request), general conversationalist, ✡️, he/him
The sheer amount of “so you hate waffles” styled responses to this are baffling. We’re coming into our twitter age so quickly.
What does it say about our society that "Think of the poor doggos!" is a more effective PSA against setting off fireworks in residential areas than "You have actual human neighbors you see every day with severe mental health issues who you are giving trauma responses"
This is exactly the thing I’m taking away from this whole fiasco, with an addendum. In nearly every case so far if labelers collapsing, in specific regards to antisemitism labels, a consistent and disturbingly normalized response I’m seeing is “well yeah Jews should have a voice but not THAT Jew.”
Aaaaaand Taurus Sheild just shut down the ENTIRE labeler because handling the moderation of the antisemitism label was stirring up too much discourse for them to handle. @safety.bsky.app @bsky.app @aaron.bsky.team Hope y’all are taking note of your community moderation “strategy” fail in real time
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Andor screens replaced with @dril.bsky.social quotes
Ok is it just me or are there a significantly outsized portion of Kiki’s? Is this some kind of weird Stanford experiment, where we are creating an artificially empowered and abusive majority?
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Bro I’m so done with the internet
Welp… *slaps knee* time to head on out to the lake house and wait for this all to blow over.
Oh wow, back at 2500 followers. Nice! In honor of this milestone, here is an itemized list of specific crimes and misdeeds done by every person who has wronged me on this application. Should they be turned into the authorities for what they’ve done? Not for me to say. But yeah. Yes. They should.
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Wife guy? More like wife “bye!”
Bluesky Lowbies: This is a place where everyone I’ve ever had a banger riff with commits ritualistic posting seppuku
No idea who caught it this time, yet I am here to remind you all that -
Whenever I see an outing like this I always see a fella or two dunking that I’m absolutely sure are next in line.
Allow me to scream into the void for a bit: my dog, who is my absolute best friend in the whole world, will be going in for major life saving/altering surgery tomorrow morning. It is a risky surgery, but necessary for her to extend her life beyond a maximum (and likely miserable) year or two more.
You know, when I wrote the thing she was responding to here I wrote it as a parody, but it sure looks like someone took it as a testimonial for their bad exposé instead!
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I WILL be HEARD. This site will die in DARKNESS if they don’t get this unmanageable LIBEL issue under control IMMEDIATELY. I call on bluesky MODERATOR and renowned RACIST Kairi to STEP DOWN immediately or I will be pursuing LEGAL ACTION in the ADMIRALTY COURTSz
Any time I see a Christian refer to a different brand of Christian as “difficult to build communities with” I begin to imagine my blank state drilling a hole into the space between their eyes.
These are all excuses!!! They're all justifications to not do the work!! You are not absolved just because it's hard!! Zionist Jews don't wanna listen either! They don't accept criticism from within either! We are still out here! You are not special snowflakes with unique religious structures!
Yeah they won’t listen to you - yeah, because your religion needs a winner.
But also what is mass proselytizing beyond the very type of mindset needed to validate and nourish existent hatred? There must always be an other to convert to the true path ™️ - and if there is none then one must be created from without *or* within.
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There are two truths: Nobody hates Star Wars as much as Star Wars fans. The only thing Star Wars fans hate more than Star Wars is other Star Wars fans.
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҉ 𝘽 ҉𝙪 ҉𝙨 ҉𝙨 ҉𝙮 ҉ 𝙞 ҉𝙣 ҉ 𝘽 ҉𝙞 ҉𝙤
I don't know why people keep saying that Twitter has become appreciably worse in the last year or two, now whenever I post I am instantly entreated by dozens of beautiful women practically throwing themselves at me, presumably for how good my posts are
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Realtor: So you can see, this place has a lot of history and character, it’s priced to sell, and it’s got high ceilings and plenty of space! Worm: Yeah, but I was really looking for something that came pre-furnished.
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One sheep two sheep honk sheep shoo sheep
There no stress quite like your spoiled rotten completely babied pet getting sick right before you take a long trip to just drive your stress levels through the roof.
Repeatedly putting my dick and balls in the public soda machine and getting mad when people ask me to remove them.
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To be clear, antisemitism is happening at protests and on campuses. But...antisemitism is literally happening everywhere all the time and nobody gave a fuck about it until it was a convenient narrative to blow out of proportion and call in the fascist police state. None of this is about antisemitism
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We all have the foot of the capitalist pressing down on our heads but only some of us suck the toes.
So the wife and I go to the dispensary today and I decide to get a little something for myself (I normally just bum off of her) and I decide to pick up some vape cartridges and a new battery. After running in circles the staff could only sell me one type of battery…