
people who don’t vote… don’t vote they do not write op-eds in the national paper of record about how other people shouldn’t vote either unless they are pushing an agenda that has specific goals unrelated to voting
Yeah, I don’t need op eds from integralist monarchist assholes on July 4
Turns out this guy is registered to vote and voted in the last two elections.
everyone I've met who actually ideologically cares about not voting either a) does not advertise that they don't vote and will only reveal so after much consternation because they don't like being questioned, or b) openly and loudly goes to the polls to ruin their ballots this is neither
technically this guy cares hes just voting for a king so he can stop thinking about it someday
Exactly. To me, not voting means you don't give a shit. So, why would you write exactly? Well, because you do give a shit and also because you're pushing for something. Finally, you more than likely, in fact, vote. Because voting it the only way to advance your position.
I can understand not voting but I can’t really wrap my head around actively recruiting other people not to vote, as if “non-voter” is some kind of social identity group you feel proud of
Layer on the fact that he actually does vote, and the clouds clear a bit. He’s being a dick for 💰.
Nah, he’s trying to convince others to not vote because he thinks will help his cause.
it makes more sense if his goal is to usher in a fascist dictatorship where nobody gets to vote, or all the votes are just pretend. This guy's problem is he DOESN'T RESPECT OUR VOTES and doesn't think we should be allowed decision-making capacity.
If you live in a contested area, you absolutely should; even if it's mainly for down ballot concerns. Otherwise if you're like me and live in a solidly deep red area I can see why you wouldn't bother. Blue areas, you might have an opportunity to push left, depending; I'd say research and go for it.
I live in a red area, and I vote when there is a Dem on the ballot. I will never vote for a Republican, so if there is a race with anyone else on it, I vote for them. But, I live in Tennessee, so we have a lot of uncontested races.
Upstate South Carolina; there's no contest around here unlike say around Columbia or Charleston.
Our state rep race seems to be between a lady who proposed a "ban in porn" or "ID to access the internet" bill, and a lady who says the other lady isn't conservative enough and is a fake Republican. One of those two ladies will be uncontested on the ballot.
Do you think that if there was a Dem on the ballot it would make a difference?
At least people would have a choice. The incumbent (porn lady) has run unopposed since before we moved here in 2019, so maybe not. However, the area we live in has been getting more progressive, and there are a lot of community events that make it seem like there are at least mostly moderates here.
Craziest of all, he DOES vote. He doesn’t want us to,though.
You said that perfectly!
that was my first thought.
I want to know how much he's being paid by trump for his "op-ed"...
People who don’t vote don’t read op-ed pieces in the NYTtimes either