Matt Krotzer, The Letterer Supreme

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Matt Krotzer, The Letterer Supreme

Comic book letterer, graphic designer, husband, father, and possibly a very short Wookiee.
Member of Metal Ninja Studios.
He/him. Cis/het.
Do any of you remember the first time you noticed or thought about a comic book's lettering? I'm pretty sure I remember the exact page (Paige?) when it happened to me.
Fewer guns, more trains 2024
Why does Chrome keep wanting to change/update my password every time I enter a search term into Bluesky's search bars?
Anyone else get annoyed by "ok" in scripts, instead of "okay"? Grammatically, I know it's fine, but it feels wrong. It seems like it should be OK, in caps, but when everything's in caps, it's not usually important enough to emphasize, so it just reads like a new word, pronounced like "ock".
Hi, new people! This isn't Twitter/ X /whatever. Here has a more respectful culture overall, and those of us who've been here a minute would like to continue to keep our cortisol levels down. *don't be a jerk in mentions *don't put people on blast *mute, block, move on *have a nice day!
the best thing about the volcano snail is that it looks EXACTLY how you’d want a volcano snail to look
There's a snail in the depths of the Indian Ocean that exclusively eats volcano water. It has the largest heart of any snail. Its shell is made of iron and its foot is organometallic plate mail.
My biggest issue with AI evangelism in our industry is that it treats creativity like a problem to be solved, and not an adventure to be had.
You can turn that off completely, or fine tune it to your liking, in the settings > feed preferences. Bluesky allows for making out own feeds on here and there’s a ton of settings to fiddle with. Always worth to check them out. There’s also a new user‘s guide here:
one thing that is weird, tho, is that after following someone, their responses to posts of ppl I'm not following seem to be SUPER THICK in my feed - and they're the one I see previewed even if other ppl I'm following are also interacting? like a soft push algo
Bluesky Social New User A comprehensive user guide to Bluesky Social. Updated periodically with new info as the app continues to evolve.
As a kid who grew up on Forgotten Realms fantasy novels, what are some current fantasy authors/series that have that sort of feel?
Hello. Pls follow me. I’m almost at 100 followers on here and I promise to yell about my favorite things like books and TTRPGs and also other stuff.
[jurassic park] ALAN GRANT: the t-rex can’t see you if you don’t move ME: *In The Air Tonight on my headphones gets to the drum solo part* fuck fuck fuck
🤍 I kind of love train stations
It’s really upsetting to see all of Bluesky rush to make the meanest jokes about Mitch McConnell. It’s just so inconsiderate. Some of us wanted to make the meanest jokes about Mitch McConnell, but we were offline for an hour or two and missed the opportunity.
31 years ago this extraordinary woman burned her career and life to the ground to speak out against a horrific, massive crime against children. And she was a hell of an artist. A blazing soul. RIP
I am very much feeling this. I'm no big name, I'm no huge draw, but I felt like I had a little impact thanks to the bird app. Been feeling very dejected about the splintering of social media recently.
For a lot of us, losing Twitter isn’t really about losing ties to the company itself. It’s losing 10+ years of real, asynchronous communities, professional development, the ability to get gigs and clients, the ability to promo/share your art on an extremely broad scale. The loss of that has impact.
Thread. All of this.
For a lot of us, losing Twitter isn’t really about losing ties to the company itself. It’s losing 10+ years of real, asynchronous communities, professional development, the ability to get gigs and clients, the ability to promo/share your art on an extremely broad scale. The loss of that has impact.
Pinched nerves are so frustrating because they cause illogical and unsoothable pain. Rubbing the painful spot on my arm isn’t soothing, because nothing is actually causing pain in that spot. It’s just a janky signal from the pinched nerve in my neck.
So, no sleep was possible last night, despite Aleve, vape, and muscle relaxer. Had to miss work today but got in to see doctor who confirmed pinched nerve in my neck. Dr’s note for three days off from work, and a prescription for steroids. Hoping to get some pain-free rest soon!
Woke up with excruciating pain in my shoulder, radiating up my neck, down my back and arm… I’m guessing pinched nerve moreso than muscle strain, but either way, there is no comfortable resting position, so sleep should be an interesting task.
I am currently available for comic lettering and logo design work! Samples of my work can be found here:
End of feed.