TrickyC (he/him)

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TrickyC (he/him)

Hedonist Agitator, Male Witch, Franky Family, Incredibly Earnest.
I'm Thinc'n Crime™

Discord: trickyc66

CN: Generalized Perversion
idk everyone, things are looking bleak, send a cutie some $, tell your crush you’re crushing, eat an extra bowl of ice cream, change your hair, call off work to do nothing, find a little extra joy any way you can
have you all heard of THE RADIUM GIRLS? if you haven’t, go look that up because any post i try to do won’t be enough and will get suppressed. come back when you’re done looking up THE RADIUM GIRLS okay. you done? cool. okay so Clarence Thomas wants to get rid of OSHA
*yes and* I have mad respect for the person who tries to wrestle the gun away instead of waiting for the pain
Getting real tired of folks who act like saying you'd rather be shot in the foot than shot in the head means you're extolling the virtues and benefits of being shot in the foot, like, in general.
Breaking from tradition, wanted to post that if you are in Seattle, Uwajimaya currently has a Bandai gachapon event going on! Lots of cute and weird stuff! Not sure how long it's going for, but if you are into it, check it out!
Nothing is stopping every single Democratic elected official and apparatchik from taking the airwaves every single day to articulately and decisively repeat a set of cogent talking points about Trump (ie 45). Nothing. Dem PACs could be slamming him with ads now. Stop whining and do that.
Its the fact he said “shouldn’t” for me. Keir Starmer said I shouldn’t have the right to womens spaces And we’re about to watch a nation celebrate this man and grant him massive power
Keir Starmer, the future prime minister, explicitly saying that trans women don’t have the right to use women’s toilets, which we have always been using, is giving the green light for people to harass us and do violence to us, as well as to cis women deemed not feminine enough. Don’t vote Labour.
tricky what do you do for fun I spend a lot of my free time taking in art and I spend no small amount of THAT time, crying about that art😌
so first of all: trump doesn't need to know anything about 2025: it is a party mechanism for granting power & preventing opposition the other thing is fuuuck have the liberals been outflanked in r/t media. This is really effective chaff, moreso given the liberal tendency to underplay the threat.
The ramped-up hits on Project 2025 must be landing — Trump just shoved it right in front of the bus
It's a corruption of ... well, of everything. An abrogation of humanity. You could call them Nazis, but Republicans and christians may earn a worse name than that before they're done, because we are dancing on the edge of climate catastrophe, and they want to burn the world.
the US will spend nearly $1 trillion a year on pointless wars, but then treat vets so poorly that they end up on the streets
no matter who wins in November the Grants Pass decisions guarantees that local authorities will charge headlong into arresting unhoused people and forcing them into slave labor for huge coporations instead of like saying "hey we've got decent paying jobs and housing"
Biden: it's terrible that Presidents can do crimes now, just like they were always allowed to do Biden on unhoused people: *silence*
A single legacy, unbroken, moving forward in time with no definitive point of remediation. From betrayal of hospitality, to Indigenous genocide, to slavery, to civil war, to prisons, to child labor, to vote denial, to global war, project paperclip, southern strategy, assassination of liberators
On July 4, when every patriotic American brings out their flags and rhetoric about the "founding fathers," we recall how national socialists gathered in Madison Square Gardens during Hitler’s reign, beneath American flags and banners displaying images of George Washington and antisemitic slogans. 🧵⬇️
On July 4, when every patriotic American brings out their flags and rhetoric about the "founding fathers," we recall how national socialists gathered in Madison Square Gardens during Hitler’s reign, beneath American flags and banners displaying images of George Washington and antisemitic slogans. 🧵⬇️
if you and i were the only two voters *you* feel you have a route to save some lives (a vote for biden) *I* feel I have a route to save some lives (do not run biden) what makes your position intuitive, superior, more realistic, than mine?
we regret to inform you that the TTRPG Class Labeler has blown up the rainforest
"I like my drinks how I like my metaphors: scrambled"
"oh, i think everything's gonna be juuust fine— even if trump & his cronies win the election? they're going to be pre-tty surprised; they're going to get a real cold shower *indeed*, once they hear of this little document called, oh, I don't know... the Constitution? that's check and mate, bad guys"
when I was young, if I was playing sports and the other kids on my team started getting nasty - over the top trash talk, threats, fights - I would switch teams and just start scoring own goal after own goal. If the victory of my side is the victory of the worst of humanity, it becomes a loss.
I would love a nation I could love
happy caesar salad day
Sexually Suggestive
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in 2020 biden barely beat trump because "anyone else" in 2024: we've seen *Biden*
HEY just wanna say I tend to complain online more than I do in real life because it's kinda like sucking the poison out so it can't fester inside me, and I don't want to annoy my family to death. But the world is beautiful and people are generally good and there is lots to love! Don't forget!
gaahh love it (derogatory): democrats when a center-left candidate does well in polls: oh by the way even if this person does well & wins primaries pls understand we have the right 2 run a center-right establishment candidate when a fascist mummy polls poorly: we can't disrespect the voters will!!
an exchange program where we threaten other countries' leaders and they threaten ours