
Left-wing parties banded together in France, even though they disagree over many policies, to push down the fascist right-wingers and keep them from power. It's a template of sorts for what we should do come November.
BREAKING NEWS: Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which instead came in third in initial results as polling stations closed.
Projections in France's election show voters rejecting the far Voters turned out in numbers not seen in decades to stop the far-right National Rally from taking power in the French National Assembly. Polls predicted a first-place finish for National Rally, which ...
Amen. I’m in the Joe is too old and I’m not thrilled about Harris camp, but I will be crawling on broken glass to vote for them. If I did otherwise my revolutionary patriot ancestors would kick my ass for enabling the loss of the Republic
This gives me hope that the world is getting tired of this fascist bullshit. I hope it turns out to be the case in the US too.
and what germany failed to do, once upon a time
90 years later: Looks like some parties here (Looking at you CDU.CSU+FDP!) have forgotten how and to what ends their predecessors helped the NS to power.
Wait, so we're going to get shown up by the *FRENCH*?!
Yup, unless you guys show them up on November 5, which I desperately hope you will! 🙏
A complication in the US is that the Democrats are not an alliance of smaller parties with strong cores of loyal voters, they are an umbrella party that spans progressive to center right with a small core of loyal voters and larger conditionally loyal extremes.
You can't give concessions to the center right without pissing on the concerns of the progressives and vice versa. The Republicans used to be an umbrella party as well, but then the 80's, 90's, 2000's, and 2010's happened. And the Democrats and Socialists wouldn't dare collaborate.
She's a progressive Democrat; the progressives don't have their own Progressive Party presidential candidate to tell to stand down. Only Biden is left. Jill Stein and Cornell West don't have enough of the vote to make much of a difference if they stood down. As for RFK, Jr... 🤷🏼‍♂️
I don't disagree that an alliance would be a good thing, but there are no further alliances that can happen. We are stuck now with the left and center right playing chicken to get concessions out of the Democrat Party.
as a democrat and a socialist, i dare
Your pragmatism is greatly appreciated! ❤️
Bernie's sending out very eloquent Biden fundraising emails as we speak.
I'm aware. Hence my point about coalitions.
The vote here was anti-RN more than anything. Bottle that vibe and bad-day Biden landslides over Trump
Have they actually kept the fascists out yet, or is it possible that a coalition could include the RN and freeze out the left?
No one will coalition with RN. Left and center are vocally hostile to RN - "not one vote for the RN"
This is why I'm almost grateful for the Project 2025 decloak. Almost.
And yet right now we have Dems publicly undermining their candidate and doing the work of the Rs. I'm fine with them expressing this to Biden privately but publicly saying they don't feel Biden is fit for office *helps Trump*. Idiots.
We're going to do that here in November.
The French left had a handful of policies front and center before the election. That's why they won. American Liberals want the win without the commitment. Hell, liberals had a seizure over Bernie Sanders so pls don't try with France.
This just in: to date, no word from Marine LePen about the election having been "rigged/stolen," or calls for supporters to take up arms and overthrow the newly-elected government. Clearly, she needs pointers from Trump and his (no longer) Proud Boys...
Left and center - Attal deserves a lot of credit for not letting Macron blow the whole thing