Jared Yates Sexton

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Jared Yates Sexton


Hoosier, Political Analyst, The Midnight Kingdom: A History of Power, Paranoia, and the Coming Crisis, Co-Host Muckrake Podcast, newsletter Dispatches From A Collapsing State
This “Trump won’t be able to travel to countries because he’s a felon” stuff is meaningless and it perpetuates a flawed and poisonous belief that the powerful are treated equally. He’ll be able to go anywhere he wants and he’ll be welcomed and treated with undo respect. Let’s stop this nonsense.
The Right is defined by a self-hatred that can only be masked through persecution complexes and oppression of others. Those actions hide an emptiness they attempt to fill with power and wealth, but nothing is enough. It’s just a vacuous black hole.
Here we fucking gooooooo
It would be almost impossible to design a more overt schedule of antidemocratic ideologues and murderous dictators for Tucker to interview. The guy is just cooking his audience at microwave speed.
Just want everyone to remember this asshole was Henry-Ford-Publishing-The-Protocols-Of-The-Elders-Of-Zion LARPing for months and now him and his rabidly antisemitic neo-fascist acolytes are capitalizing off these narratives. Just so we’re clear.
Love that people are finding themselves on the same side as Trump and Mike Johnson and GOP senators dying to see young blood on the streets and aren’t taking a second to wonder how they got there and whether maybe it’s time to take a breath and a long, long look in the mirror.
Let us never underestimate how much projection is happening among centrist liberals who know much of their espoused “principles” are performative gesturing in contradiction to how self-involved their actual politics are.
A fun new hobby is taking a second to guess whether the commentator criticizing the student protesters pushed the Iraq War, is the child of someone who held power at a university, was gifted an obscene amount of money and talks about how hard they worked, or some combination.
One of the benefits of collective action is that you reveal very quickly how many reactionary and authoritarian beliefs are being hidden behind polite facades. That’s how change starts accelerating in a hurry.
CNN has John Fucking Bolton on air calling for an all-out war with Iran. Just what we needed today.
Marveling at the absolute majesty of nature, the magic of our universe and the infinite wonder of life, while also quietly lamenting how lame eclipse glasses look.
Just a reminder that the political center and our institutions are populated by elites more concerned about enjoying the trappings of power while living free of guilt and discomfort than they are fighting for their espoused principles.
Right Wing figures won’t offer to make anything. But what they do offer is the promise that anything their followers don’t like or that makes them uncomfortable is evil, dangerous, or part of a sinister plot. What they offer is a solution from introspection. And that’s the whole ballgame.
What do you even say.
You know what. I can admit when I’m wrong. Maybe these are the type of serious people we should trust with dictatorial power.
He’s just like a Bond villain, only if the Bond villain was always having their monologues interrupted by their hairbrained schemes blowing up prematurely and then stepping on a rake that hit them in the balls and immediately agreeing with WhiteFlame6969 that it was all a Jewish plot.
Please get a better comms department. Or, I don’t know, go enjoy the rest of your life.
This type of framing is so wildly off and a perfect example of why people have such a hard time understanding what’s going on. Reagan “conservatism” was the beginning of this new authoritarian Right. Pence played an outsized role in that evolution every step along the way.
People are just…literally saying the same things they said about Afghanistan and Iraq. With no self-awareness. Zero lessons learned. I feel like I’m losing my damn mind.
Check out the absolute trash that is The Times “analysis” of a potential Gaza invasion. Every single opportunity to couch or sanitize atrocities is taken with expert care. Shameful, shameful stuff.
When Ken turned bad in Barbie he started dressing like Hollywood Hogan in the NWO and none of you film critics have brought it up yet. Don’t even know what they’re teaching in schools anymore.
They say we’re at the top of the food chain but this chiweenie has trained me to sit in an uncomfortable position for way, way too long.
Love that we’re already to the 2012 “Maybe it’ll be Ben Carson! What about Newt Gingrich?” Stage of this garbage GOP primary season.
End of feed.