Jared Yates Sexton

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Jared Yates Sexton


Hoosier, Political Analyst, The Midnight Kingdom: A History of Power, Paranoia, and the Coming Crisis, Co-Host Muckrake Podcast, newsletter Dispatches From A Collapsing State
Liberals have never been immune to conspiracism, but the sheer force and momentum of what we’re seeing right now is breathtaking.
The last few years have shown just how utterly dysfunctional society is and how that’s reflected in our politics. Now, in the past week, that has been emphasized by an inability to have anything approaching actual conversations about power and the myriad crises we face.
It’s incredible that people have been blasting Fortunate Son as a patriotic jam for over half a century without bothering to listen to the actual song.
I’m not saying it should be a law that when people get drunk in a field and set off weapons-grade fireworks that Creed has to be playing, I’m just saying it should be looked at.
We’re in the middle of a full blown crisis and being forced to have conversations about power and abuse and aging and trauma and the past and the future that we were never taught to have. In fact, capitalism actively incentivizes not having those conversations.
Like, everyone with Democratic Party contacts has been hearing about fevered, emergency meetings and calls that went all night and then there’s just a bunch of Twitter users posting that everything’s fine and nothing happened.
I wondered if the Biden performance would shake up even the most delusional and diehard blueanon accounts, but they’re still going strong. Like with Trump, there’s literally nothing that could happen to break the veil.
Just a reminder that the Right Wing projects their own self-loathing onto the rest of the world, creating a nightmare where their enemies are guilty of the things they hate most about themselves, creating a need for oppression and violence.
The powerful would much rather hide behind the veneer of respectability and tolerance and progress while continuing to accumulate wealth and rinsing the blood from their dollars, but the truth is coming into full and horrific focus. Jared Yates Sexton @jysexton.bsky.social The Midnight Kingdom
Opened up the mailbag over at Dispatches From A Collapsing State to answer reader questions. We get into whether MAGA is fascism, the Center/Right alliance, and how climate change will supercharge authoritarianism unless we defeat it first. jaredyatessexton.substack.com/p/dispatches...
Dispatches Mailbag: The Faux-Centrist/Right-Wing War, France, Is MAGA Fascism, Project 2025, and Climate Changejaredyatessexton.substack.com We've got a load of topics today as we navigate an increasingly strange world
It’s an indictment that regular public education doesn’t get into the donor/think-tank system when discussing government and allows the generic, irrelevant framework that’s been overtaken to stand alone. Same thing when it comes to the stories we tell for history.
It is wild that Twitter made likes private because Musk wants to creep on users.
The Right correctly sees a robust and well-resourced educational system as the biggest threat to their political and economic fortunes.
People are like "why would these supposedly pro business Republicans be cutting funding for public universities that are huge economic growth engines" and like look at how the richest states vote and how the poorest states vote. If you were a Republican would you want your state to become wealthier?
Alito’s religious extremism is concerning, but not surprising. It’s past time people wrestle with the fact that the Supreme Court has been utterly taken over by the wealthy who have fostered extremists like Alito to dismantle democracy. jaredyatessexton.substack.com/p/the-quiet-...
The Quiet Part Out Loud: Alito Confirms What We Already Knewjaredyatessexton.substack.com With every passing day the mask slips and authoritarianism comes into fuller view
We’re facing an international authoritarian movement because neoliberal globalism is steering hard into next-level exploitation, intentional inequality demands it, and the progress of the 20th century must be dismantled to make way for the necessary oppression.
It’s not a coincidence that authoritarianism is on the rise as education, journalism, and science are under constant, relentless attack. This environment was created by the wealthy and powerful and the direct consequence of a decades long war. jaredyatessexton.substack.com/p/the-floode...
The Flooded Zone: A New, Mystified Worldjaredyatessexton.substack.com As authoritarianism grows, information is being poisoned and twisted, creating an existence where resistance is futile
This “Trump won’t be able to travel to countries because he’s a felon” stuff is meaningless and it perpetuates a flawed and poisonous belief that the powerful are treated equally. He’ll be able to go anywhere he wants and he’ll be welcomed and treated with undo respect. Let’s stop this nonsense.
Trump’s conviction should be the end of his political career. The Right violently rallying around him should be enough for some people to recognize we’re in a severe crisis and finally leave behind the comforting lies they’ve been sold. jaredyatessexton.substack.com/p/when-the-e...
When The End Isn't The End: Trump's Conviction and the Falloutjaredyatessexton.substack.com This should be over. That it isn't tells us everything.
Every Supreme Court Justice from now to eternity who gets caught being corrupt or running aground ethical statutes.
Nothing made me understand the Far Right more than going and seeing them for myself. The study of history, of past examples, of theory, helped put it in context, but nothing even gets close to seeing it firsthand.
In the decades I’ve been studying neofascist movements I’ve learned to always take what they say at face value. But this is also why I think grad students in these fields need to be required to do in the field, otg immersion. Want to study it, join them under an alt and really see what’s up
Penning an article where you defend the killing of children and then just shooting it over to your editor and going about your day. Wild, wild, horrific stuff.
BILLIONAIRE WHO OWNS AS MANY JUDGES AS SUMMER HOMES AND IS FINANCING A NEW RIGHT WING PROPAGANDA FILM TO GET SEATBELTS OUTLAWED: I’m just going to ask the question everyone in this room seems afraid to broach…can we get Jon Voight?
Guy who gets all his information from Vox and old Nate Silver tweets: People don’t understand that things used to be normal in this country!
We don’t talk nearly enough about the fact that the ghouls behind the Iraq War and the rise of the authoritarian GOP aren’t just free to live their lives but have been rehabilitated and given every medium to decry a nonexistent “Left” and rally for a conservative consensus.
The Right is defined by a self-hatred that can only be masked through persecution complexes and oppression of others. Those actions hide an emptiness they attempt to fill with power and wealth, but nothing is enough. It’s just a vacuous black hole.
Just a timely reminder that our legal system, including The Court and every court and program downstream, is predicated on protecting capital first and foremost and that requires a staunch defense of its legitimacy in the face of all evidence. It’s not even bipartisan. It’s just comprehensive.
this dude is basically the nation’s leading expert on legal ethics, we are so cooked.
Republicans are showing up to Trump’s trial and behaving like Manson Family members because this is an authoritarian cult. The purpose is to use the concept of messianic persecution to fully destroy democracy. jaredyatessexton.substack.com/p/an-authori...
An Authoritarian Cult: The GOP and the Next Stage of Democratic Destructionjaredyatessexton.substack.com We're watching things devolve in real time. And it's more than just a spectacle.
It’s incredible that every tech founder steals the whole Steve Jobs only wore one outfit thing and obviously paid consultants to dress them up to play the media and the media is just like, whoa, you only wear bolo ties, where can people send their entire life savings?
In an era where voting and reproductive rights have been erased, innocent people killed, children are being pushed into slaughterhouses, and an authoritarian movement is gaining power, I’m glad journalists have drawn a line in the sand with the Commission on Presidential Debates.
Normalize not recognizing that traditional economic indicators are signs that things are “going well” and see them for what they are: measures of how effectively people are being exploited.