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The moral sickness of statism is nothing less than persuading you the referendum has meaning
I am 10000% against constitutional rights being up for referendum. That's some bullshit nonsense.
Reposted byAvatar Andrea
If you’ve written a TV show or movie that includes trans or other LGBTQ+ characters, Project 2025 wants to send you to prison for being a “purveyor of pornography.”
also and I feel like I buried the lede here: it calls for the people who CREATE queer media to be imprisoned. That'd be people like me. Or any other queer creator you love. Any queen who's been on drag race. Chappel Roan. Janelle Monae. Anyone who's made a piece of queer media. Imprisoned.
Absolutely incredible how cis people think the best thing to do about being targeted for elimination is to go to therapy so you don't have any feelings about it
"I for one welcome our new Christian overlords, and I'd like to remind them as a trusted journalist, I can be helpful in rounding up others for their gender reeducation camps.”
Anyway congratulations to all the nice cis people here in the wannabe-media-class for demonstrating what you will do during the implementation of Project 2025's trans elimination program. Great job, peeps.
Reposted byAvatar Andrea
it is good to remember that the so-called "liberal allies" who are currently going after trans women will also go after gay people, people of color, disabled people, etc. as soon as they're inconvenienced by them. supporting trans people is the litmus test and a lot of your favs are failing it.
dump it all down a wormhole when no one's looking
how do starships pass emissions tests
Perhaps would like to explain why they have chosen to respond to a proven-engineered discourse by aiding its plotters and banning some of their targets
i am totally opposed to bluesky's mod team banning bree, salty, and bill for shadowy and unclear reasons at a time that is suspiciously close to their vocal opposition to the inappropriate and insensitive actions of a particular journalist.
Reposted byAvatar Andrea
bio be like: he/they, space lib, NYT bestselling author & columnist, hashtag resist, ban crypto, I'm with her unless she's trans, podcast host
Reposted byAvatar Andrea
A big part of this website is what Fisher called 'liberals in space' only they hate replicator technology and they have NYT columns about the need to enforce copyright on their novel about how Funko Pops can beat racism when trans women learn their place. I just condensed it for you there u go
Reposted byAvatar Andrea
i had now idea that philip zimbardo invented bluesky
The world's most radioactive uterus
2. Indirect air cycle: Here, the reactor is separated from the jet engine, and molten salt or metal coolant is passed to a plenum/radiator to heat compressed exhaust air. The advantage of this design is the reactor can have a separate cooling loop for idling engines.
Reposted byAvatar Andrea
Reposted byAvatar Andrea
Reposted byAvatar Andrea
Gorcenski said it's inappropriate to compare what is happening in the US to the beginning of the holocaust and let me tell you as the descendant of survivors and as a student of the history that she is full of shit
They're letting this guy hang around and banning his enemies
CW: transphobia THIS is what people on this website are supporting right now. THIS is the sort of thing that people are saying *is not* transmisogyny. THIS is what trans women are supposedly “racist” for calling out. For fuck’s sakes LOOK AT WHAT IS BEING SAID TO US before you pick your sides here
Reposted byAvatar Andrea
TIRED: The US is on the brink of a new Civil War WIRED: The US is on the brink of a new Thirty Years War
It seems inevitable that this timeline would see a revival of the backlash against popery
Reposted byAvatar Andrea
the trannies also just wanna post and goof off on the niche microblogging website so they don't have to think constantly about the transphobic death cult that is consuming the world, but bluesky is for the cis people with linkedin pfps
Reposted byAvatar Andrea
Senior Flamewar Engineer
Especially when there's now hard proof this whole dumb flame war was engineered on purpose
ok well. Bill apparently posted an actionable threat. that'll get you nuked. Bree and Salty love to troll but uh. tonight did not involve them doing anything close to the line. I do not love trans women being the targets of very, very selective moderation here.
Reposted byAvatar Andrea
A started pack where, instead of starting with multiple accounts you follow, you start out already blocked by several acounts
Reposted byAvatar Andrea
This is NYT’s portrait of a Trump rally, where the explicit agenda was putting millions of people in concentration camps before deporting them.
I read Moldbug 2007-2009, assumed it was all an extremely verbose prank, and then was horrified to learn he had actual followers a few years later :(
Ten years ago I went on a reading spree of the blog posts of the "neoreactionaries," which wordcount wise meant mostly Curtis Yarvin. Back then I thought they were nobodies and I just wanted to stop my libertarian friends from taking them at all seriously. Now a fan of them is on the GOP ticket.
Something tells me it doesn't take much of a bribe to get teenage groypers to leak the juicy stuff
are there screenshots? yes, brother, there are screenshots.
Reposted byAvatar Andrea
it is worth pointing out that Vance is in a Twitter group chat with a whole bunch of teenage groypers
Reposted byAvatar Andrea
That Vance is a direct line to Thiel and Andreessen is truly important. Trump wants their money. Thiel wants to sell billions in Palantir contracts to power Trump’s mass surveillance/ethnic cleansing infrastructure. Pence was the Christian Nationalists’ guy. Vance is reactionary capital’s.
Are you a fan of all of those guys who are directly responsible for making the internet an unusable dogshit hellhole? Well boy do I have a VP for you.
I look forward to an endless supply of injections and weird formatting exploits
fuck it, just put web pages (HTML) in atproto records
Can we please just skip ahead to _Hillbilly Eulogy_?