Anna Merlan

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Anna Merlan

Journalist, author, writer of social media posts on micro-blogging sites. Tips to [email protected] or request my Signal at the same address.
He probably has PTSD that no one near him will ever encourage him to deal with, which would be a fascinating subject for a short story
Trump is 100% now imagining getting shot at every time he gets in front of a crowd, for the rest of his life.
The thing they don’t tell you about journalism is that every past job creates a group chat and sometimes everyone flips out all at once and your phone nearly overheats
Our collective ability to keep making memes through the downfall of the American empire is kind of beautiful actually
Imaging taking a bath like this
Guess who came over exactly when I need to leave
I can’t believe a deeply polarizing political figure who loves action movies and grandiose gestures and who seems to be protected by an absolute huge maze of Faustian bargains around his entire being managed to swing an act of violence to his apparent political advantage. Must be a conspiracy
I immediately had to take a nap to handle the flood of incoming takes
Sweating away on Duolingo trying to recover one or two of the six languages my great-grandparents spoke between them
I want to absolutely shriek about something but can’t yet so allow me to make a strangled little squeak in a reasonably safe environment
Reposted byAvatar Anna Merlan
AIRHORN NOISES sorry sorry sorry but like, I spent eight years trying to make this project happen and now it's here and I'm losing my MIND. If you want to keep up with the series I have a newsletter too: <p>Who gets to compete?  Since the beginning of women’s sports, there has been a struggle over who qualifies for the women’s category. Tested follows the unfolding story of elite female...
At first the cat — who lives in the yard/is feral/ isn’t mine etc— would only drink water from the toilet. Gross, we said. So we put a dish of water on top of the toilet to trick him. He drank that. Now, of course, he has caught on and is refusing to touch it. I have been forced to trick him AGAIN.
Completely forgot about the incredible birthday cake my coworkers at the Village Voice got me when my apartment had been robbed two days beforehand
Imagine having George Clooney personally yelling “retire, bitch” at you
Reposted byAvatar Anna Merlan
fascinating story for #BookSky, #Romancelandia, and everyone who loves complicated hubris trainwrecks great reporting as always from Anna Merlan
For Business Insider, a story I spent four months on: Joe Arden is the romance audiobook world’s biggest narrator, a bestseller maker and a bona fide star. Now, his sexting scandal is having a huge fallout that almost no one outside the industry knows about:
Joe Arden's voice made him the hottest narrator in romance. Then, a sexting scandal turned BookTok against Arden's reign as the "king of fuck" was threatened after multiple women posted online about his inappropriate and manipulative behavior.
Sharing this one more time because my GOD did I spend a lot of months reporting it
For Business Insider, a story I spent four months on: Joe Arden is the romance audiobook world’s biggest narrator, a bestseller maker and a bona fide star. Now, his sexting scandal is having a huge fallout that almost no one outside the industry knows about:
Joe Arden's voice made him the hottest narrator in romance. Then, a sexting scandal turned BookTok against Arden's reign as the "king of fuck" was threatened after multiple women posted online about his inappropriate and manipulative behavior.
Reposted byAvatar Anna Merlan
For Business Insider, a story I spent four months on: Joe Arden is the romance audiobook world’s biggest narrator, a bestseller maker and a bona fide star. Now, his sexting scandal is having a huge fallout that almost no one outside the industry knows about:
Joe Arden's voice made him the hottest narrator in romance. Then, a sexting scandal turned BookTok against Arden's reign as the "king of fuck" was threatened after multiple women posted online about his inappropriate and manipulative behavior.
For Business Insider, a story I spent four months on: Joe Arden is the romance audiobook world’s biggest narrator, a bestseller maker and a bona fide star. Now, his sexting scandal is having a huge fallout that almost no one outside the industry knows about:
Joe Arden's voice made him the hottest narrator in romance. Then, a sexting scandal turned BookTok against Arden's reign as the "king of fuck" was threatened after multiple women posted online about his inappropriate and manipulative behavior.
Dear god everyone is actually answering emails today. Don’t do THAT
Reposted byAvatar Anna Merlan
Cannot recommend subscribing enough. Come for BreadFraud Tradwife expose, stay for everything.
Reposted byAvatar Anna Merlan
A tragically common cause of death before pasteurization was food poisoning in children who were being weaned and starting to drink cow's milk. Pasteurization is one of the greatest public health successes in the history of the world, and now it's protecting us from H5N1 bird flu 🧪
Pasteurization Kills Bird Flu Virus in Milk, New Studies Flash pasteurization destroyed H5N1 viral particles that were highly concentrated in raw milk, confirming that standard techniques can keep dairy products safe from bird flu
Reposted byAvatar Anna Merlan
Planning a wedding: for when you want to really, truly understand that so many people you know are so much richer than you thought possible
My aging family member who’s never said a harsh word about Joe Biden in his life called the White House to tell him to quit. “He stood there like a corpse. I was fuming.” They’ve lost the boomers
My bald, non-jewelry-wearing partner did a lot of research to get me a surprise engagement ring and then a surprise fancy hair tool for my birthday, and boy are his targeted ads FUCKED up now
TODAY: join us in defending the Internet Archive and protecting libraries!! An important appellate hearing is happening this morning, which you can read all about at the link below. And if you’re in New York and you spot our wheatpaste, please snap a photo and share.
Boy this is really fucking bad
I ran into your ex, he looks awful