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Questionable taste in winter hats, first-clapper, cheese enthusiast, lamprey stan.
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I think billboards highlighting each chapter of Project 2025 placed in specific locations. For example the chapter on gutting military benefits should have billboards on highways near big military bases. Plans for destroying Social Security have billboards all over in Arizona and Florida.
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Liberation, the main center-left daily in France, is out with tomorrow morning's cover about left's first place. "C'EST OUF" ("It's Crazy!")
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Le Monde made a color blind accessible version of their results map map everybody can see that ass whooping clearly.
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nobody finds north dakota fascinating and eerie and we have more border with canada. :p
The reason the Pacific Northwest is so fascinating and eerie to Americans is because it functions as a gateway to an uncanny realm of magic and terror (Canada)
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I kinda wanna investigate this now
I grew up in a household that used small trashcans as standby barf repositories, and married someone with the same baseline. Barf bowls were never a thing for us and they’re such an alien concept. Is this the vomit version of a “Coke vs. Soda vs. Pop” kind of regional practice?
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So for all the narrative about the inevitable slide into anti-immigrant populism, four of Western Europe's five largest countries now have left or center left governments?
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The NYTimes busy organizing twelve op-ed pieces for tomorrow’s front page on how France choosing compromise over fascism is bad for Biden
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For folks who've appreciated my coverage of the French elections... @bolts.bsky.social is quite different—but we cover US politics with such attention to detail. So give us a follow if you've enjoyed this, and care about the US. And our newsletter is free! boltsmag.org/newsletter
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Can't wait for them to find out if the lamb comes back as lion they're the ones getting eaten
Well that’s ominous
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I think about this a lot, and in tandem with the time that He went into a temple and beat the asses of nearly everyone there.
Can't wait for them to find out if the lamb comes back as lion they're the ones getting eaten
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Lot of questions about why Macron called snap elections. One clear factor: By ordering speed campaign, he expected Left could not unite, & so they'd be knocked out in Round 1, helping his own party. Instead, Left united within days—& now surged to win biggest bloc in Assembly.
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The French have no word for entrepreneur.
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These people do not believe in democracy. If they lose, it can only be because if fraud, not because they are the type of weirdos who deny election outcomes whenever they lose.
Future Trump WH spokesman Catturd2 with the least predictable take on the French election results.
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Had my first marionberry today omfg.
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I was telling my physical therapist about my book, and she said, “Oh yeah, sheriffs are bad.” She then said there was a costume party where no one was allowed to come as a sheriff “for obvious reasons.”
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who knows how often i'll actually publish these, but here's a thing i've been working on. it's too long, i am not a professional writer (at least not this way) but i thought he was fun to talk to. hopefully it's fun to read. plenty of playlists to be found on the site, too.
Leo | Tattooergolikehellmachine.com I’ve tried to do other normal-ish kinds of jobs, and I was very, very bad at them.
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Man holds hands with wife, while also taking safety precautions! News at 11!
Political reporting, 2024
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I normally open with the contraception planks
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As Faine notes here, the specifics help! Part of the message here has to be making Project 2025 synonymous with the elements of it that people absolutely will understand and care about!
Yes, I absolutely do think over half the country cares about having their basic human rights taken away by a bunch of authoritarian freaks. For Christ’s sake, Project 2025 calls for banning PORN. We can get voters mad about this.
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Foraging marionberries, a.k.a. signing some out from the USDA's research facility at OSU
all gardening forums are bad but i swear r/gardening is the worst one. someone is arguing with me right now about whether or not "anyone in the world actually knows how to cultivate marionberries" or if they're "all wild foraged" marionberries!!!
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GOP strategy: starve children.
The governors of a dozen Republican-led states — AL, AK, FL, GA, IA, MS, OK, SC, SD, TX, UT, WY — opted out of a new federal food assistance program, leaving about 9.5 million students without the aid this summer
Republican-led states are blocking summer food benefits for hungry familieswww.usatoday.com Money for food is especially tight for families in a dozen states where Republican lawmakers declined to accept federal food assistance.
Marionberries, of all the fucking berries lol
all gardening forums are bad but i swear r/gardening is the worst one. someone is arguing with me right now about whether or not "anyone in the world actually knows how to cultivate marionberries" or if they're "all wild foraged" marionberries!!!
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It’s very possible that trolls like MTG and Jesse Kelly intentionally post stupid stuff like this to get negative attention from the libs. But even if that’s true, they’re still ignorant fascists.
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This is probably the undefeated champion of the genre. bsky.app/profile/fhp....
This is *chef's kiss*
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Unfortunately, this is evergreen. bsky.app/profile/seth...
Way back in the early 2010s I created a tumblr page devoted to fake quotes from the founders. One pattern I found is that the people most likely to circulate fake founders quotes are the people who call themselves conservative *originalists.* www.tumblr.com/fakefounders...
Nearly Every Founding Fathers' Quote Shared By A Likely Future Congressman Is Fakewww.tumblr.com Georgia's likely, future Congressman appears to be the Michael Jordan of Fake Founders Quotes.  Looks like this tumblr will have reason to exist for at least a few more years.
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Yet again, we see the loudest yelps of “1776 BAYBEE!!!” from Christian Patriots who don’t know the first fucking thing about the history of the country over which they claim to have exclusive ownership. 2 out of 8 ain’t bad, I guess.