
has anyone else noticed more and more websites disabling the right click- copy funciton in their browsers is there an add on that puts that function the fuck back so I don't have to memorize alt codes for é again
an ANSI keyboard plus a good keyboard layout is the better solution to this particular issue, though
Are you suggesting I buy a keyboard
I know it's weird advice but yes lmfao; diacritics are more painful with any ANSI layout almost regardless of what you do to mitigate it, and an ISO*-oriented layout gives you more room to work with *I meant to say ISO in my other skeet
theres a reason that it's pretty much exclusively the USA—which, for better or for worse, does not really need to use diacritics—almost exclusively uses ANSI keyboards, whereas ISO keyboards are the standard in Europe & Canada
In the Netherlands, we use both. ISO is more common for desktop keyboards and ANSI for laptops. Although you will sometimes find keyboards that combine the two. Like my Logitech G815 that has a long L-Shift (common with ANSI) and a large ISO-style Enter. We use US International as our KB layout.
ok yeah I'm not gonna be buying a keyboard to solve this problem lmfao