
Everyone's sick all the time and so NZ's coalition govt reduces sick leave, reintroduces pseudoephedrine, encourages sick kids to attend school, cuts free prescriptions, cuts public health staffing...
remember when they told us kids weren’t really affected by covid so they could get everyone back to school and their parents to work and now everyone’s immune system is fucked and everyone’s sick all the time cuz no one is putting two and two together and that train just keeps rolling without brakes
The myth that COVID is 'harmless' for kids has left millions of children with long COVID invisible. Here's what they want you to They're losing their formative years to this debilitating disease. But for too many children with long COVID, finding help is a frustrating and traumatic process that leaves them feeling isolated and ...
There's also the issue of what happens to people in the future. E.g, the apparently harmless epstein barr virus, discovered 1964, has recently been linked to the onset of multiple sclerosis. We have no idea what covid might lead to. Vaccination & precautions now seem sensible.
Study suggests Epstein-Barr virus may cause multiple Infection with Epstein-Barr virus, scientists found, dramatically increased the odds of developing multiple sclerosis.
MS is long EBV AIDS is long HIV We don’t have a term yet for long Covid, but my bet is we will need one
EBV doesn't just lead to MS it leads to many life threatening autoimmune illnesses. I have one.
ME/CFS is the one. Often caused by EBV but also by a range of other infectious diseases.
I can remember back to when they thought ME was a made-up condition
Some still do, it's a sore point.
It might be worse than that. We don't know yet
I find it quite horrifying that people are cheerfully getting covid over and over. I appreciate that most people aren't happy being hermits like me, but surely a *few* precautions wouldn't be too onerous - masking where possible, sticking to outdoor or well-ventilated venues, etc.
And then there's sending kids to school with no protection at all. No mask, no vaccine for the young ones (nor the older ones now), no proper ventilation. It's horrendously negligent of the govt (previous included) to just abandon them to repeated covid infections.
I'm so worried for everyone. Especially the kids and the older people. All the evidence so far looks really bad, and we're only four years in, and people just can't or won't take it in or do anything about it.
Very severe ME can be fatal. And it leaves some others taking euthanasia rather than continuing to suffer.
Severe and very severe ME -
Yes... not meaning to minimise severe ME/CFS! But just aware that what we know so far about Covid's impact on the brain, heart, almost every body system, looks pretty scary.
There’ll be Covid-specific vascular damage, for sure.
But we do have a term for it… the term is long COVID. Please have some respect for the patients who were the first to name what was and is happening to us. We don’t need outsiders swooping in after years of ignoring us to try to rename our experience.