
remember when they told us kids weren’t really affected by covid so they could get everyone back to school and their parents to work and now everyone’s immune system is fucked and everyone’s sick all the time cuz no one is putting two and two together and that train just keeps rolling without brakes
The myth that COVID is 'harmless' for kids has left millions of children with long COVID invisible. Here's what they want you to They're losing their formative years to this debilitating disease. But for too many children with long COVID, finding help is a frustrating and traumatic process that leaves them feeling isolated and ...
my partner's daughter had COVID -once- she just spent 2 months recovering from a normal flu if she gets COVID again... I don't even want to think about that we have pulled her from public school & she's going virtual for the rest of high school
it sucks so bad. I’m sorry.
it does, I'm just glad we're in a position where it's possible to do that and that she thinks masks are super cool & she's excited to do the rest of her schooling virtually
that’s good. Yeah the only friend I have whose kids aren’t *constantly* sick mask everywhere.
Given that even mild cases of COVID damage the brain it's no wonder people can't put two and two together--feels like they're prob coming up with strictly irrational numbers as their sums and each person's answer to the equation is different.
that, on top of being so very overwhelmed, and the fact that you can’t unfuck this coconut, I can completely understand why it seems futile
It’s not like it’s not progressively getting worse. Each infection adds damage. The best time to do something was before it was widespread. The next best time is now.
100%. Messaging is terrible, people don’t know where to start or even that long Covid is a thing.
Yeah, this ⬇️ earlier hit me kinda hard. Some people theorized (fantasized?) way before 2020 that humans would evolve into a new consciousness. Either I'm naïve about how slow things change (def a possibility!) or this is the end of the line on a very short train ride. 😕
IMHO these people were alwere always outright inhumane, narcissists, or almost always papered over their discomfort until COVID so they lack the maturity, life skills, and empathy to handle any tiny discomfort
The amount of fucking pinkeye we have had to deal with in the past three years is goddamn unholy and it is 100% from covid immune damage. In my area they are not allowing adults to get tonsillectomies because there have been UNPRECEDENTEDLY high numbers of adults that qualify for tonsillectomies.
goodness gracious!
You have to have tonsilitis 3x in one year to qualify. And too many adults qualified to allow it.
In the eternal struggle between life and capital, America will always choose capital.
back when covid was still primarily overseas and the who was like if we closed down for two weeks we could eradicate this I was like there’s no way America capitalism will let that happen; and it was the correct take.
Totally correct. America is free in ways that suck shit and it’s authoritarian in ways that suck shit.
Covid is more of a long-term menace than anyone ever realized, but not protecting kids was a major mistake.
i remember disability activists and historians noting at the beginning of the pandemic that the influenza pandemic had had long-lasting effects that aren’t popularly known—like, the polio epidemic happening some years later, potentially due to everyone’s immune systems being messed up from the flu.
i wish those voices had been amplified louder than the ones that ended up getting all the airtime.
also we have much more recent evidence from sars-CoV-1 survivors… ill be forever angry that we renamed sars-CoV-2 “covid” so it’d be less scary.
finally, we already knew post-viral syndromes like ME/CFS exist. i knew it because i have had ME for decades, hence my anger at everyone just “letting it rip.” (this info is for anyone who might not have known, btw, i’m not lecturing you, OP)
This is true. Ppl in my Lupus support groups who can often trace the beginning of their illness to a viral exposure, often asymptomatic EBV, were screaming about it. We were ignored. When ppl started presenting with LC we saw the similarities.
I know a kid who developed Crohn’s after a bout of Covid to the point where he was hospitalized the cascade of effects it can set off is pretty scary
it’s so fucked up. it’s not sustainable
Bit rich. The ABC reporting this when they too called for kids to go back to school because they don’t get affected by #COVID. This from the newsagency who had fabulous Dr Norman Swann working for them. I only got it once too. 18 months of health glitches, rheumatoid arthritis & on it goes…
yeah there’s no accountability
When they said everyone could drop masks when the vaccine came out is a crime. Ppl still say, after they get covid, but I just got my booster.
I thoroughly loathe everyone who perpetuated the claim that children weren't affected by Covid. Who knows just how much damage we've done to the next generation by readily exposing them to this savage disease. And all just so they could avoid actually caring for people for a change.
some people took people saying that covid would be worse for some people and interpreted it as young people were not affected
I remember three days ago when the former head of Biden’s Covid task force Ashish Jha was on NPR stating as a fact that children aren’t affected by Covid as a reason to never do lockdowns or mask mandates ever again.
Unfortunately, I think the ship has sailed for getting most ppl to understand about COVID. But, I think ppl can understand that better internal air quality lessens EVERY communicable illness, AND allergies, and is better for air pollution. And they don’t have to change behavior for it to work.
Chisel it into granite so the future anthropologists will be able to understand why the world's civilizations all collapsed at the same time.
25yr ago I went through what these kids are going through now w/ their pediatricians & schools. Was reallllly hoping things would have improved by now. If you're one of the unlucky left w/ a messed-up system post-infection (once blood-tests are clear) good luck. Because what a concept, apparently?🤔😏
for capitalism. Our government knowingly killed it's citizens to appease their corporate masters. Again, capitalism and politicians don't care if you live or die. They only care about Their liability Will you be at work on Monday
It was a preposterous claim even when we understood so much less than we do. If kids weren't affected, we'd have been scrambling to synthesize whatever makes them special. Just magical thinking BS
My faith in humanity further dwindles 😎👍