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Humanitarian stuff - Syria Iraq - get home to Ireland every now and again.
You may not like either or both of them, but this is one of the most important political relationships that Ireland and the UK need. And after the absolute cluster that was the Tories, this gives me some hope. Adult prime ministers meet up in Dublin...
Reposted byAvatar Wyl
Taha al Jumailly - sentenced to life for his horrific crimes committed while he was an ISIS terrorist. I shall refrain from saying anything else as I would be banned from here. 🤬
#KeepEyesOnSudan Millions of Sudanese are directly affected by this war. 😳
#MH17 Let's never forget that Putin, the Kremlin and all of their puppets denied everything until the facts came out. Then they just ignored it and moved on to their next crime. #RussiaIsATerroristState
Good morning from Tinahely Wicklow Ireland folks. Tinahely. Where you can purchase nearly everything you need and it's locally produced. Whether it's north east Syria, Kurdistan Iraq or here in Ireland, I'll always do what I can to support local businesses.
Mountains between New York and Newfoundland were formed during the Acadian orogeny roughly 375 million years ago. This is very approximately as old as the earliest fossil evidence of copulation in animals, meaning that some of the Appalachian mountains are quite literally old as fuck.
Bang meets buck. Literally and figuratively...
What a result for the Irish women's football team! Beating the French, who are ranked 2nd in the world... Outstanding!! 👏 #Ireland #IRLFRA
insha'Allah in Iraq means 'more than likely not' Irish insha'Allah in Iraq means 'definitely' Little thing I've developed over the years So. Was talking to my friend last night about an opportunity. Which insha'Allah is it, I asked. Irish insha'Allah, insha'Allah, he said. We both laughed 😂
Had to share this for my American friends... 😅 #Trump #Vance #GOP #Nutjobs
Tis a long way from Kyiv Ukraine 🇺🇦 I am today. But two years have now passed since I bumped into this Irish pub as I was familiarising myself with that great city. And just another 10 days to go before I return to Iraq 🇮🇶 for my next adventure...
I'm not quite sure that the right wing nut jobs understood where I was going with this, over on the mad bird house... 🙄
In response to the latest Irish criminal activity against refugees and asylum seekers in Dublin this morning I tweeted this. Suffice to say that it went down exactly as expected... The reprobates that I hadn't already blocked are blocked now.
The number of Sudanese who are affected by the UAE supported war in their country dwarfs what is happening in Gaza... I've said it before and I'm saying it again: I consider Sudan to be, potentially, the largest loss of life we're going to see, anywhere in the world this year.
Good morning from Tinahely Wicklow Ireland folks. Actually took this other worldly photo yesterday when walking in the rose garden in Corkagh park west Dublin. I keep forgetting what this weird plant is called... 😅
Fair play Spain 🇪🇸 Best team throughout the whole tournament. Palmer is a real talent too though. Like the cut of his jib, as they say. #EURO2024    #ENGSPA
A serious point regarding the #Euros2024 final...
Spoke to my boys earlier. Who do you want to win tonight, I asked. England said one. Why England? asked I It's my favourite country he said. Fair enough, I thought through grating teeth Actually, he said, England's not a real country. It's part of the UK. Fair point 😂 #Euros2024
A bruiser of a game! Last kick of the game wins it for Ireland @IrishRugby #RSAvsIRE
What else would a guy be doing of a Saturday afternoon when you're home on a holiday in Dublin, and before i return to Iraq, than volunteering a couple of hours of my time to support vulnerable people in Ukraine As I've said before, if you can, you should. @HelpHealUkraine #Ukraine #Iraq #Syria
Justice - Truth Prevails. Good morning from Stoneybatter Dublin Ireland. Stoneybatter, one of the oldest streets in Ireland. Yours truly was feeling a little tender last night so had an early night. Slowly slowly today.
Further adventures in the Driving Miss Daisy series... Dropped her royal highness off at other old friends in Ranelagh Dublin. Sling your hook she said, again. Lol Went for a walk. Found @RedmondsD6 I was like a kid who won the golden ticket!! Ah jaysus lads 😂
Anyway, on a completely different subject, I went to the cinema last night. The Bike Riders was the name. It was very good actually. Am driving Miss Daisy (ie de Mammy) around Dublin and Wicklow today so it's going to be a long one. Hey ho, have a great day folks. 😉
Not the first time I've said this but there is a cohort of Palestinian supporters who, instead of aligning with the Ukraine cause, are intent on dividing the suffering of ordinary people. Interesting to note that my Syria friends do not do this. There is strength in unity.
I'm trying to focus on my new training and development social enterprise and that is what took me on a near 5 hours round trip today. Virtual reality training. This is mental stuff!! Complete game changer. It ain't cheap but there are huge ramifications for the world...
Reposted byAvatar Wyl
The Russian Empire bombs hospitals as a tactic, not by accident As I said back on the 6th February 2022. Before Putin escalated his terrorism in Ukraine When the UN shared GPS coordinates with the Russians in Syria they proceeded to bomb every one of them Here we are today 🙄