MaryamB (She/Her) #FBPE

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MaryamB (She/Her) #FBPE

“Conservatives are now new National Front”
#WithNHSStaff; Anti-racist; LGBTQIA+Ally; DisabilityRights; #RefugeesWelcome; #ClimateCrisis;
Honouring the service & sacrifice of our heroes can easily become meaningless if we don’t #DefendDemocracy & #StandUp2Fascism in this political climate. Use your vote in the Elections in Europe, UK & US for the parties who defend our freedom & restore democracy where it is damaged. #DDay80
Proud to say that I’ve never voted for Conservative Party and I will never! #DefendDemocracy #StandUp2Fascism #VoteTactically to #GTTO
Wouldn’t be wonderful if no one post anything about the traitor on BBC Question Time? No photos, no quotes, not even mention his name. Just boycott any media platform that gives him airtime. #PowerOfThePeople
We need more people like Emir Kir the mayor of the Saint-Josse-ten-Noode district in Brussels to stand up to the far-right in UK especially against our politicians. Well-done Emir Kir 👏🏻👏🏼👏👏🏽👏🏾👏🏿
“25 years on from the publication of the watershed Macpherson report, institutional racism remains worryingly real. If falls to all of us to ensure it becomes a relic of the past, not a stain on our present or a blight on our children’s futures.” Sadiq Khan
30p Lee has just been suspended as refused to apologies!
Let’s show our solidarity by taking part. 🙏🏼❤️🇪🇺🇪🇺 #FBPE #OndaCivica & #FBR are having a tweet storm today following the death of Alexei Navalny. We protest against the suppression of all criticism and the killing of Putin's opponents. Our hashtags are: #Navalny #PutinIsACriminal
Truss, Braverman, Jenrick and Anderson, have made Islamophobic speeches this week. It is utterly disgusting that Rishi Sunak allows such dangerous and divisive, hate inciting, racist, Islamophobic politicians  to openly spout their hate.😡 He should sack them all. They shouldn’t be in the HoC.
The organisation I work for, is supporting a major new #RightToRehab campaign which uses 'Patient Firsts' to highlight the power of rehabilitation and that shockingly, not all patients can access rehab. Please support it by signing this petition and Repost. Thank you ❤️🙏🏼
Petition For
The first PM gambled on Brexit and broke Britain. The last PM gambled on life of innocent people who escaped from war, persecution, execution ….. Always remember his very first speech was about "Integrity, professionalism & accountability"
About 200,000 people took to the streets of Germany in protests against the far-right party AfD. Protests on Saturday took place in Berlin, Dresden, Mainz and Hanover. Let's support them, because their fight against the far-right is also our fight! Use the hashtags #NoAfd or #wirsindmehr.
About 200,000 people protest across Germany against far-right AfD Chancellor says protests are ‘strong sign in favour of democracy’ as demonstrators gather in Berlin, Dresden, Hanover and other cities
On Holocaust Memorial Day, let’s remember the millions of people murdered during the Holocaust and in the following genocides in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia, Darfur and Gaza. Today isn't just about remembering the past, it's about shaping our future too. #NeverAgain 🖤🖤
If you haven’t already, please follow to understand what a Freeports is, and what a Special Economic Zone is. @UKLabour who will inherit Sunak's 74 SEZs & 12 Freeports is silent on this. This is a #GeneralElection Year and we need to know where @Keir_Starmer stands for.
Wishing everyone a New Year filled with love, peace, happiness and success! ❤️🎉🥂
If the world has learned anything from the fascism that grew like a cancer before WW II, it’s that gross inequalities of wealth lead to strongmen who destroy democracy and freedom. The behavior of unscrupulous, narcissistic billionaires like Musk and Thiel illustrates how that works.
America’s billionaire class is funding anti-democratic forces | Robert Billionaire donors are pushing an unsettling agenda for America – backing Trump’s lie that the 2020 election was stolen, calling for restrictions on voting and even questioning the value of democr...
In 2014, a plane carrying nearly 200 Dutch nationals was shot down by a Russian missile. Nevertheless, Wilders, leader of the far-right & xenophobic PVV, talked in the Russian parliament about the friendship between Russia and the Netherlands. This arch-traitor should never become PM. #VoteHimOut
According to the polls, there is a big chance that Wilders' far-right & nationalist party will become the largest in the Dutch elections this Wednesday. His supporters therefore shout that the borders should be closed and illegal asylum seekers must be locked up in concentration camps. #VotePVVOut
According to the islamophobe Wilders, leader of the far right PVV in the Netherlands, the West could benefit so much from better relations with Russia. What kind of relations can we have with #WarCriminalPutin, who commits genocide in Ukraine and bombs schools and hospitals? #VoteWildersOut #NoPVV
Thierry Baudet, the leader of the Dutch far-right FvD, is being paid by Kornilov, a close associate of Putin. He is a pawn of the Russians to gain influence in the EU and a white supremacist. Hopefully his FvD will be crushed in the elections that are held on Wednesday, November 22! #VoteFvDOut!
The Party of Law and Order! “IGNORE THE LAWS” Remember the attack on the United States Capitol on 6 January 2021 by rioters led by trump! #GeneralElectionNow
I am writing this with tears in my eyes. You have no idea how happy I am with Supreme Court ruling on Rwanda plan. Thank you UK Supreme Court! 😊❤️🇪🇺🇪🇺
Here's a recent commission. The National Theatre. 70x70cm
In light of today’s events by far-right thugs, a statement by London Mayor Sadiq Khan. What a contrast with PM’s statement! My wish is one day he leads Labour Party and hopefully become a PM. 😊
In light of today’s events by far-right thugs, a statement by Prime Minister. I tweeted “When you meet Met Police Commissioner, please apologies on behalf of your Home Secretary for inciting hate and express your gratitude for the good job @metpoliceuk did in reigning in the far right groups today”
Express poll in need of your attention. Please pass it on after you've voted. Thank you! (Link below will take you directly to the poll itself, bypassing the Express website. So you won't inflate their ad views. Ignore the request to enter an email address.
I am so happy to find out one of my favourite organisations is here. Please follow and support them as they do an amazing work across the world.
Celia Richardson - Director of Communications at NT announced that “National Trust Council election results have been announced. Record turnout. The five candidates recommended by the elected Council’s Nominations Committee were voted in by our members” Well done those who stopped Restore Trust 👏🏻👏👏🏾
This front page of today’s Telegraph is about a private company of politically motivated people (Restore Trust) to undermine a great British institution to get its chosen candidates onto the National Trust’s ruling Council. If you are a member please vote to save our national treasure. ❤️🙏🏼
The best part of today’s anti-protesters was when having led his army of thugs to Chinatown, London Tommy Robinson - a British far-right, anti-Islam activist, then does one… this is the taxi he sped off in. COWARD 😊