Doctors Without Borders

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Doctors Without Borders

Independent. Neutral. Impartial.

Médecins Sans Frontière (MSF) is a medical humanitarian organization that provides emergency medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare.
Doctors Without Borders forced to close primary care centre in Al Mawasi due to Israel’s offensive in #Rafah. We had treated over 33,000 patients at the health centre since February. This is the second health facility we have been forced to close this week. #Gaza
“Any ground invasion into hashtag#Rafah would be an absolute catastrophe. It doesn’t bear thinking about. It would be a disaster upon a disaster.” Chris Lockyear, Secretary General of Doctors Without Borders. Immediate and sustained ceasefire now. #Gaza
Seeking safety is not a crime.
We provide care where it is needed most. Independent. Neutral. Impartial. Bearing witness: We are not sure that words can always save lives but we know that silence can certainly kill. We will not remain silent.
33,000 people killed 200 humanitarian workers killed We need a sustained ceasefire now in #Gaza
Today at around 3:00am our office in Pokrovsk, in the Donetsk region, in #Ukraine was bombed and completely destroyed. All our staff are safe. Five civilians who were close to the office were injured. #WarInUkraine
Shooting people in a hospital, or any act of violence in a healthcare facility is completely unacceptable. We unequivocally condemn the continued attacks on healthcare facilities in #Palestine. #Gaza
We remain deeply concerned about our staff member who was detained by the IDF at a checkpoint while trying to leave Nasser hospital on February 15. Israeli authorities confirmed he is in their custody. We call on them to treat him with dignity and ensure his wellbeing. #Gaza
Five of our colleagues have been killed in Gaza since the beginning of this war. Several members of our staff remain unaccounted for. We reiterate our urgent call for an immediate and sustained ceasefire #Gaza.
150 days. For 150 days, our colleagues have bore witness to atrocities and the decimation of health systems in #Gaza. We need a #ceasefire, now.
For 145 days, we have watched nearly 1.7 million people forced out of their homes in #Gaza. We need a #ceasefire, now.
For 143 days, we have done everything we can to enact a meaningful humanitarian response. We need a #ceasefire, now in #Gaza.
For 139 days: we have watched the systematic obliteration of health systems in #Gaza
Impartial: we deliver free medical care to people who need it, giving priority to those in the most serious and immediate danger. We do not discriminate according to nationality, race, gender, identity, religious beliefs, class, political opinion or any other affiliation.
"People will die in a few hours without functioning ventilators." MSF surgeon in Al Shifa update on 13 November 2023 Demand a call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.
International Humanitarian Law is explicitly clear that hospitals and medical personnel must be protected. Attacks on hospitals are attacks on humanity. Take action to uphold our shared humanity by demanding an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.
"We're on the fourth floor, there's a sniper who attacked four patients inside the hospital. One of them has a gunshot wound directly in his neck, and he is a quadriplegic patient, and the other one was shot in the abdomen." Dr Mohammed Obeid in Al-Shifa hospital Gaza. We need a ceasefire now.
At Al-Shifa hospital Gaza: We currently have around 600 inpatients who need medical care. We have around 37 to 40 premature babies. We have around 17 other patients in the ICU. We have around 600 postoperative admitted patients which need medical care. We need a ceasefire.
Gaza update. Patients and medical staff are trapped in hospitals: Al-Shifa hospital has been hit several times, resulting in multiple deaths and injuries. MSF urgently reiterates its calls to stop the attacks against hospitals & for an immediate ceasefire.
Gaza: Patients and medical staff trapped in hospitals under fire | [node:field_description]
“We are really exhausted. We just stay alive. We saw children and innocent people killed, whole families destroyed. A massacre. They attack people when they are moving to a safe place. There is no safe place.” MSF nurse Mohammad Hawajreh in #Gaza
“We are being killed here, please do something." Text from one of our MSF nurses from Al-Shifa hospital basement this morning. He and his family were sheltering there from the incessant bombing.
At the time of writing, our staff are witnessing people being shot at as they attempt to flee the Al-Shifa hospital. MSF urgently reiterates its calls to stop the attacks against hospitals, for an immediate ceasefire and for the protection of medical facilities, medical staff and patients.
#Gaza We are currently unable to contact any of our staff inside Al-Shifa hospital. We are extremely concerned about the safety of patients and the medical staff.
Follow our Humanitarian Representative to Canada to learn more about our critical advocacy work.
Quick intro 🧪 - I am the Humanitarian Representative to Canada for Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières & respiratory therapist with a PhD in population health. Research/science interests in emerging infectious diseases, public health, long-term care, and health policy.
Doctors Without Borders develops medical guidelines for use in resource-limited environments. These guidelines draw from practical experience and scientific data collected in our projects. These guides are free and open to the public download them here:
MSF’s advocacy on this issue is guided by the intention to protect principled humanitarian action, namely the principles of impartiality, neutrality and independence that steer us to provide assistance whenever, wherever and to whoever needs it. Learn more:
Yesterday the Canadian Senate voted BillC41 into law. This now fixes 20 year issues w/ the terrorism act that would criminalize humanitarian aid. OG Billc41 proposed would of made things worse. was instrumental in pushing for change in this bill... and it pass. We made history. ✊
MSF worked in Afghanistan before the Taliban take-over and we continued w/o interruption after, on the same basis that we work all over the world: IHL, medical ethics and the humanitarian imperative to respond to peoples’ basic needs. Our work is based on: Independence, neutrality and impartiality. is asking the senate to support the current version of Canadian Bill C-41 on the basis that it creates a permanent, self-executing humanitarian exemption to Canada’s counterterror laws. Humanitarian aid shouldn't be a crime.
It's simple... Decrease essential water and sanitation activities = rise in the risk of disease outbreaks Essential sanitation activities must resume in Dadaab refugee camps in Kenya to address ongoing outbreaks: