Ben Barclay

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Ben Barclay

Twitter refugee. Will probably continue posting on climate, energy, Covid, Spain, Brexit and a bunch of other things.

Occasionally post about the transition to a more sustainable world on Substack:
I get there’s a lot of bad blood amongst the Dems, but if Trump becomes president, it’s the fault of the people who vote for him, and of mainstream Republicans who have enabled him. Arguments about whether Biden is the best candidate, and about if he can be replaced and by whom, don’t change that.
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It doesn't make my list of the top thousand stupidest things about our country, but here in the land of the free you must be 21 or over to look at the website of a company that makes non-alcoholic beer.
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🔌💡The EU Battery Passport regulation is pushing automakers to build a circular economy for EV batteries, and Japan is moving the quickest! Nissan, Honda, and other Japanese automakers, along with parts suppliers like Denso plan to introduce battery passports by 2027. 👇🏽 #battchat 1/3
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Sure, lots of U.S. stations set all-time extreme heat records in the 1930s. But the globe was nowhere near record-hot. Bob Henson provides great context on the records, which were due to a combination of natural variability and poor farming practices.
Why were the 1930s so hot in North America? » Yale Climate Climate skeptics sometimes point to heat records from that decade to dismiss the reality of global warming. They're leaving out crucial context.
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If you’re Glad I’ll be Frank probably makes much less sense than a Greek tragedy to anyone under the age of about 40. What is this strange speaking clock supposed to symbolise?
I shit you not. There used to be a phone number you could call to get the time and temperature
China: 4% fall in thermal power generation in May, 7.4% in June. Moving in the right direction.
Good news for the climate: With hydro's return and the massive buildout of solar and wind coming online, China's electricity demand is being met while burning less coal and gas. June 2024 thermal electricity is 7.4% below June 2023.
2024年6月份规模以上工业增加值增长5.3% - 国家统计局
We watched it with a few hundred Spanish people and most of them sang the "lo, lo, lo-lo lo" version of the lyrics. But the players can't really do that.
From our desk of British Journalists Being Normal:
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The world's electricity mix in May: Fossil fuels: 56.4% Renewables: 34.7% Nuclear: 9%
In the US presidential election, where perhaps 80-90% of people who will vote have completely made up their mind, a swing of say 2% is very significant. 10-20% of the undecideds who will actually vote have changed their mind. It’s very difficult to reliably measure, but still potentially decisive.
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Only 20% of Brits disapprove of Labour's move to scrap the Rwanda scheme, new polling shows It finds widespread support for the new government's asylum and small boats policies and suggests many would support the creation of humanitarian visas
UK government urged to offer ‘safe and legal’ route for asylum seekers as poll shows Survey finds support for proposal that would allow in up to 40,000 a year with strong asylum claims and ties to Britain
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I love geckos. Remind me of Durrell and to me are symbols of Mediterranean life. This is quite a big fella who thinks no one can see him against the tile.
In total, these solar farms will occupy 2,837 hectares. That sounds a lot, but 36,000 hectares are used for biofuels, which is itself only 0.6% of arable land in the UK. So these solar farms are a bit over 0.04%.
Does anyone in the UK know what Labour plans to do with biofuels?
Wow: “If you grow an acre of corn, it will produce 900 gallons of ethanol, which will get you about 25,000 miles for a Ford F-150...which is, not bad I guess. But let’s say we put solar on that same acre. It will produce enough electricity every year to drive my Lightning 550,000 miles.”
Forty Acres and a Sense of Sunshine on a Cloudy Week
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Morning Bluesky. He said he wouldn’t but of course he did. The Axis of Awful People.
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Re the latter, a defense / security pact is a good idea. And the overall approach is a big improvement. But what *exactly* does it mean. To be meaningful it has to actually propose tangible (and difficult) things. Not just be a Johnson / Sunak style Atlantic declaration equivalent.
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UK whooping cough cases reported, first half of each year (Weeks 1-26): 2005: 369 2006: 156 2007: 366 2008: 648 2009: 604 2010: 240 2011: 286 2012: 1,590 2013: 2,131 2014: 1,024 2015: 1,334 2016: 2,252 2017: 1,541 2018: 1,273 2019: 1,670 2020: 1,315 2021: 234 2022: 235 2023: 431 2024: 20,545
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What was the Warmest Year for your county? For a good portion of Appalachia, it was 1921. For the record, 1921 was the 2nd warmest year for the con-US behind 1934, for over 60 years! It is now the 12th warmest. Warm years are not uniformly warm for everyone. #gis #gischat #cartography #mapping
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Nobody should be under any illusion that scrapping the 2-child limit will 'fix' the social security system, end food bank use, solve destitution etc. Any welfare wonk can give you a list of a dozen urgent, costly policy changes that are needed just to have a functioning *low-generosity* system.
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Trump mixes-up his words, rambles & gets confused all the time. It doesn't matter because his voters don't care. They don't support him because he's rational or competent, they support him because he's cruel, upsets people they dislike, & makes them feel powerful.
Latest UN population projections. Population in 2100 now projected to be 170 million lower than previously. And they’re still overestimating future population. This is understandable, but not realistic. 1/
Global population is now expected to reach 10.19 billion in 2100, down from 10.36 in the 2022 projection. Nigeria is 70 million lower, and Africa 100 million. Also sharp cuts to the projections for China and the Philippines. Probably still overestimating fertility.
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Corollary to this: in climate change, every fraction of a degree matters because every fraction of warming avoided means lives saved. If 1.5C slips out of reach, we fight to stay below 1.6C. If 1.6C slips out of reach, we fight to stay below 1.7C. And so on.
This might sound obvious but: The longer a heat wave lasts, the higher the risk of more people dying. Also the hotter it gets, the higher the risk of more people dying
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Notably, all can be true: 1. The direct effects of the debate on the polls have been overstated 2. The debate set in motion concerns about Biden's age that are likely to compound as race goes on 3. Ds have few other cards to play; he's an incumbent who is well behind in the EC in a very static race
If anyone wants to pay me to not fly to Japan, please get in touch. I’m also happy to not fly to a variety of other destinations. You get your offsets, I get paid to not do something I wasn’t ever going to do. Everyone’s a winner (except the climate).
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QED. First stroke of Ed's pen was to literally delete two policy footnotes and enable onshore wind power development, but he brought out the Sharpie to scrap North Sea expansion. That's going to scupper a lot of fossil fuel lobbyist plans. 😊
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Hospital admissions with Covid in England rose by 66% in June, and hit their highest level since January. However, they now appear to have peaked, with the 7-day average falling in the last days of June.