
Elle, I love you, but that's legitimately not what happened. Labour won either despite of or because of, depending on who you ask, telling the left they were despicable terrorists and antisemites.
labour is still incredibly far to the left of the democratic party in the us, and if that hasn’t sunk in for you, i don’t know what to tell you.
yes, that’s incredibly obvious. you’re thinking of a center-left party as right-leaning, and i’m trying to explain to you that in a country where we have a far right party, a center right party, and nothing else, labour is “left” by comparison.
No I'm genuinely not. I'm talking from my quite substantial experience of watching the economic and social orthodoxy of the right wing become absolutely unshiftable "common sense" that's now being pushed by our Labour chancellor, for eg.
I'm also not unfamiliar with the democrats. I know how awful they are. But I also know the extent to which the current leadership of the UK Labour party deliberately and overtly rejected the left. It was an explicit strategy. They did not, at any point, "court the left."
I'm not having a go at you! I'm just trying to say what actually happened over here.
i deleted my post, but let me try explaining this to you another way, so you’ll hopefully stop condescending to me over something you did not understand: the us equivalent of the labour party’s voting bloc is considered “left” because of how far dems have drifted to the right
that said, i should have said “by offering something to the left of the democratic party,” and not “courting the left.”
the left was literally told this isn't the party for you anymore and compared us to fleas. can't get more unambiguous than that