Phil McDuff

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Phil McDuff

Legitimate businessman
@philmcduff on the dying bird site
@mcduff.75 on Signal
Reposted byAvatar Phil McDuff
I've seen too many people driven mad by posting to believe it "accomplishes nothing" lol
Reposted byAvatar Phil McDuff
“Skeleton Key” and “jailbreaking” are bad metaphors for general-purpose AI chatbots that anthropomorphize them into sentient prisoners whose behavior can be neatly observed and controlled. They are large-scale stochastic systems with unpredictable outputs operating with no coherent baseline.
“In a blog post last week, Microsoft Azure CTO Mark Russinovich acknowledged the existence of a new jailbreaking technique that causes ‘the system to violate its operators’ policies, make decisions unduly influenced by a user, or execute malicious instructions.’”
Microsoft Acknowledges "Skeleton Key" Exploit That Enables Strikingly Evil Outputs on Almost Any In a blog post last week, Microsoft acknowledged the existence of a new AI chatbot jailbreaking technique dubbed "Skeleton Key."
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cascades of people telling everybody that they have to absolutely perfect optics and messaging and put themselves in the public eye flawlessly if they expect to get anything done constantly crying and crying about how unfair it is that their rep sucking dogshit in public affects his support
Reposted byAvatar Phil McDuff
there seems to be a kind of belief where a lot of people believe that every potential biden voter that they do not personally see online criticizing joe are as to-the-bone partisan and diehard about supporting biden as they are and that is just not the case at all
Reposted byAvatar Phil McDuff
unreal to me how much a group of people who will constantly tell you that you don't know how politics works and the compromises and sacrifices you have to accept for real change have nothing drive their own approach to dealing with political issues other than "it's UNFAIR how we're getting treated"
Reposted byAvatar Phil McDuff
Well this is grim
Reposted byAvatar Phil McDuff
very hard to figure out what this use of DEI could mean other than the n word
Subtle. Very subtle.
Reposted byAvatar Phil McDuff
It has begun. DEI with the hard R.
If they do put Kamala Harris on the top of the ticket, I am prepared for a level of misogynoir unwitnessed since Rosa Parks sat down on that bus.
Reposted byAvatar Phil McDuff
i am really, REALLY not okay with the idea that someone writing about sexual assault means they must be an abuser. for one thing, the vast majority of art about sexual abuse is created BY THE VICTIMS. the idea that depicting abuse makes you an abuser really fucking pisses me off actually.
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Btw for all my fundraising homies don't be discouraged or gaslit we're getting these fundraisers somewhere please never stop
Reposted byAvatar Phil McDuff
Democrats: “choose your candidate!” us: “we like this guy.” Democrats: “WRONG ANSWER, you’re getting that guy!” us: “not happy.” Democrats: “OH SO YOU WANT ADOLPH HITLER TO COME BACK IN POWER??” us: “we don’t but we would—“ Democrats: “I HOPE YOU ENJOY THE CAMPS YOU INGRATES”
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Reposted byAvatar Phil McDuff
Subtle. Very subtle.
Reposted byAvatar Phil McDuff
“…past predictions of global warming have proved largely correct. To persist with scepticism is immoral and stupid. Even a free-market fanatic cannot deny that environmental externalities are a form of market failure. Climate is the biggest externality of all.”
Market forces are not enough to halt climate Investor returns imply that the welfare of future human beings is close to irrelevant
Reposted byAvatar Phil McDuff
I remember in high school my math teacher could speak Dutch and he spoke a little to show us and not one student believed it was a real language.
Reposted byAvatar Phil McDuff
it's so weird how "there is a ceasefire" can be the deal-breaker in a ceasefire deal
Reposted byAvatar Phil McDuff
age gaps are not inherently predatory. but some people take advantage of age gaps and other power differentials as part of their predation. both can be true.
Reposted byAvatar Phil McDuff
age gap discourse online is so fucked. on the one hand you have people who act like they don't understand the reality of older people, usually men, preying upon younger, more vulnerable people. and on the other you have people literally saying 27 year olds shouldn't talk to 22 year olds.
Reposted byAvatar Phil McDuff
“Now that we know felons can be white, we’re massive fans of crime.”
I don’t even know where to begin with this.
Reposted byAvatar Phil McDuff
you can use the internet for anything and married men choose to use it to send me unsolicited photos of themselves, their wives, their partners etc i am so bored i tell you
Reposted byAvatar Phil McDuff
British political pundits suddenly talking about "sectarianism" when the two sects in question are 1) Zionists and 2) Opponents of genocide. And they very strongly believe group 2) is the bad one.
Reposted byAvatar Phil McDuff
this and authoritarian crackdowns on anyone who complains (or they just don't like the look of) is all this government has to offer
Reposted byAvatar Phil McDuff
the nhs is broken - better sell it off, prisons are broken - better use the inmates as cheap labour, our water supply is broken - better give the companies responsible a huge influx of public money to do the maintenance they refuse to pay for themselves
Unless the "tough decisions" are legalising recreational drug use and releasing anyone in prison for it I doubt it'll be anything good
Reposted byAvatar Phil McDuff
This is the entire view of the right and one they’re pushing out tons of propaganda about. It’s why we get 10,000 stories of people shoplifting from Walgreens and nothing about tax cheats even though it involves multitudes more money. They want to define crime as existing entirely within the poor
Holy. Shit. They're literally saying Trump's felonies aren't that bad compared to the "real felonies". Bear in mind, they're ignoring J6 and "gimme 12000 votes" call and the stolen docs. We joke, but this is literally Newsmax copy.
Reposted byAvatar Phil McDuff
The framing of this headline and subhead are so bizarre. The "sticking point" is that Hamas wants a permanent ceasefire to be, in fact, acknowledged as permanent and the Israelis avowedly do not.
Hamas’s Cease-Fire Proposal Includes a Familiar Sticking Hamas wants assurances that Israel won’t restart the war after some hostages come home. Israel says it needs the option.
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You get the sense that the top stories of the day are selected by people whose top priority is to do as little reading as possible
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