
Hey, so. I understand that this is anecdotal and not research, but. It is WILD how useless social media has become for promo. It's a fucking disgrace, really.
What do you think is the best method for promo is nowadays? 🤔
Locally, I buy a lot of stuff from people at SPACE (the small press alternative comic expo). The problem is when I speak to someone whose work is not my cup of tea; they succeed in promoting themselves, but that still doesn’t result in more financial success for them. IDK, I’m not an artist.
I'm marketing much more to my email list, and also focusing on things like getting on podcasts, SEO and client nurturing
I’m trying to do the email list thing, but now they get filtered directly to spam unless I pay extra to set up my own email address domain 😣
it's not the quickest but having a blog with a mailing list, giving business cards in person, and selling your work in person at local craft shows. The blog is important because people who don't have social media can still type in your name and find you
Thank you for letting me know about this, I've been working on my personal website for my art, comics, and whatnot to have a home away from social media. Even though it may not be the fastest at least is a step in the right direction. So I'll definitely keep the blog + mailing list combo in mind.