Rose Tyler’s Eye Makeup

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Rose Tyler’s Eye Makeup

Comics meaning sequential art and comics meaning comedians.

I have embarrassingly few followers just now, so if you find me amusing, please join me on my Bsky journey.
Just got blocked by someone over some gay shit, but I can’t tell if that’s good or bad? A person said that “Pride is over.” The reply said we are proud regardless. I responded we have to keep fighting like we always have.
There’s the whole prospect of “house hacking” but I don’t have the heart to make someone else pay my mortgage while living under my thumb. Maybe an equal partner would want to purchase a duplex? Or three equal partners wanting a quad? HMU if you live in Columbus and can *almost* afford a house.
I’d love to find some people who are on the cusp of buying a house who want to go in on an apartment building with me. That’s the new fantasy: form an LLC, acquire a building, run it as a co-op. Who’s with me?
Wow, I’m fighting with people who probably agree with me for asking a question that I intended sincerely and genuinely. I’m done for today. Time to go touch grass at the park.
Oh man, starting fights with people who ultimately agree with me. Being a lefty is so much fun 🙃
You're not gonna solve homelessness by not caring about struggling people everybody. That's not how you're gonna get rid of the fact that folks have nowhere to go but the streets. It happens when the entire social net has failed a person. You're not supposed to be above being part of someone's net.
It’s the Community Festival, y’all! If you aren’t familiar with Comfest and you are able to travel to Columbus, Ohio at the end of June, I highly recommend you do. Some momentum was lost after 2020, but it finally feels like Comfest again.
Please do check out Board to Death 💀 I’m the gal in the middle with the Black Widow t-shirt and the pink hair. I’m not very good with Twitch, but if *you* are, check it out live!
Board to Death: Night of the Living Dead - Go Get Broadcasted live on Twitch -- Watch live at
I’m watching Rocky Jones and I’m glad to say my phone saw fit to suggest Rocky Horror.
It’s Indigenous People’s Day in Canada today, so here’s some of my favourite formline pieces that I’ve done!!
Karaoke tonight. I’m torn between doing something popular and finding the most obscure deep cuts by my favs. When I know selection is limited my go-to is Jesse’s Girl. It’s short, everyone knows the words, and when I do it, it gives it a nice queer tint about me and Jesse’s bisexual girlfriend.
It’s Juneteenth, so I wanted to share a photograph that is meaningful to me because it speaks to the enduring struggle for freedom and liberation. This photograph shows Sidney Poitier (far right) & Harry Belafonte (2nd from right) standing with several members of SNCC.
"If Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her." -Donald J. Trump, 3/6/'06 Happy Fathers Day to all the dads NOT contemplating dating their daughters.
I’m up able to comment, but I’m curious as to what prompted this thought, i. e. who was complaining about fanfic and why?
I'm going to sub-skeet this because I don't have the strength or inclination to get into it with...strangers. Copying is part of the creative process. Many creatives start by emulating their influences. You grow out of it. Fanfic can be a part of that, or its own thing, or both. Lighten up.
CW: suffering infant war victim Every day, my LinkedIn looks like this. I used to work in real estate so it’s half this and half people who are really excited about how expensive housing is.
I’ve been visiting my particular favorite comic book store for 20 years, starting with the bratty, little teenager and ending with the present sophisticate. No one knows me like my comic book guy. And he doesn’t have social media so I can gush about him as much as I want.
The one I always say to Gen z/alpha kids is: I’m so old, when I lived in France, you could still smoke indoors.
Reskeet with how old you are, using a vague proxy: To get new songs, I’d hold a cassette recorder up to the stereo speaker while the radio was on.
If you ever see me and I’m not talking, I’m probably thinking about Paul McGann in the bathtub in Withnail and I. Shoutout to Big Finish Productions for having him say “pussy” so nicely to Conrad Westmaas in Zagreus. It’s even better than when he says “I love the dark, don’t you?” in Chimes of 🕛
glued a tiny broken garden gnome for the 3 year old neighbor and when i gave it back, she whispered "i missed you, too" into his ear
Today's Low Quality Facts are brought to you by this hanging flower pot. In general, I don't really care about flower pots. But a flower pot that looks like a happy little fellow? Give me ten, I would die for all of them.
Money saving life hack- when the doctor tells you that you need an expensive treatment… just don’t get it done. Served me my whole adult life.
They’re trapped- absolutely trapped- in their meager little half-million dollar home in a major metropolitan area. Boo hoo hoo.
“If buying a home is an inexorable part of the American dream, so is the next step: eventually selling that home and using the equity to trade up to something bigger.” No. But stating this like it’s a obvious fact reveals the NYT’s vision of us as a nation of endlessly acquisitive “hungry ghosts.”
Stuck in a Starter Squeezed by high interest rates and record prices, homeowners are frozen in place. They can’t sell. So first-time buyers can’t buy.
Who you callin “weird”?
Today's Low Quality Facts are brought to you by this "Weird Al" Yankovic Chia Pet. Sure, you're growing a plant on a statue of the man's head in your own home but somehow he's the weird one.
This one is so good, I have to import it over from Tumblr. Credit for the artwork goes to Credit for the hilarious commentary goes to me.