
Ruth Marcus is perhaps the most egregious example of the mainstream pundit worrywart. If you just take a pure conservative concern troll, and dilute it with some navel-gazing contrarianism, Ruth Marcus is the yield.
Got to disagree with Ruth Marcus here. There's no reason to believe that if Trump is jailed for contempt of court it will help him in a general election. An example of Trump's ability to get inside people's heads. Normal rules of politics do apply to Trump.
Opinion | How Trump could win the New York case — even if he The hush money case: Is Trump gaining the upper hand with voters?
Ruth Marcus is scared of every possible ghost, and seems to spend her days doing nothing but imagining new ones.
Ruth, I've edited your piece -- and every one of your pieces -- down to two words.
I can't forget Ruth Marcus' strident insistence that there should be no prosecutions of the lawless George W. Bush administration, because it was much more important to "ensure" (somehow) that this "never happen again." How did we do on that? And why is her solution still the same?
With 15 years of hindsight, Ruth Marcus remains firmly convinced -- for some reason -- not only that prosecutions make things worse, but that crouching and hiding will make things better.
Did she feel the same way about Whitewater?
Instead of jail, the judge should consider assigning Trump to psychiatric examinations. Let’s have America finally find out why he wears clown makeup everyday & why he thinks Revolutionary War airports were important military targets.
Another Profile In Cowardice by our so-called “elites”🙄