Eleanor Palser

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Eleanor Palser


Clinical Research Scientist at UCSF applying affective science to child and adolescent populations. Some-time satirist, always dyspraxic 🧠🌈
How do fellow academics who also write in the popular media list this on their academic CV?
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"In the study, researchers asked psychology professors at top-tier research universities to list up to five experts in their area of study. The underrepresentation of women researchers was entirely driven by men" 😶‍🌫️ #AcademicSky #PhDSky #Sociology #Polisky #Geo
Men Forget About Female Researchers, Says Study On Gender Citation Gapwww.forbes.com Researchers think they've uncovered the reason why women's academic work is cited less than men's—men forget about women's contributions.
Anyone on the academic job market has to speak at length about their contributions to equity, diversity, and inclusion, but what are unis doing to make the job market inclusive? Thanks to everyone who shared their stories for this piece.
Tardy interview expense repayments are limiting postdocs’ job chances Upfront costs can run into thousands of pounds, so speedy repayment is vital for equal access to permanent employment, says Eleanor Palser #AcademicSky #ResearchSky #highered
Tardy interview expense repayments are limiting postdocs’ job chanceswww.timeshighereducation.com Upfront costs can run into thousands of pounds, so speedy repayment is vital for equal access to permanent employment, says Eleanor Palser
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If you’ve been impacted by the high upfront costs associated with the academic job market I’d like to hear from you. I’m investigating the issue in an upcoming Times Higher Ed piece. Anon, if preferred: [email protected]
Yes, but neural activity ≠ behavior or experience. Multi-modal investigations of emotion in autistic people are needed, and I will keep saying this until the work is funded 😅
Just had to google the plural of ‘corpus’. Living the academic dream.
Attending campus visits for faculty positions can leave postdocs 1000s of $s out of pocket, which can take months to be reimbursed. This is an undiscussed barrier in academia which must impact diversity. I’d be interested in hearing people’s experiences and thoughts.
My job is now 90% saying variations on “rubbish in, rubbish out” to graduate students.
This week it’s a 1am interview
The amount of times I tell my partner who works in finance an anecdote about academia and he says “ah yes, they used to do that in investment banking”…
The amount of times I tell my partner who works in finance an anecdote about academia and he says “ah yes, they used to do that in investment banking”…
Unanticipated startle sits at the border of reflex & emotion, and is difficult to modify via experience. These results hint that emotional differences in dyslexia may not be mere sequelae of academic struggles.
New preprint from us showing links between elevated unanticipated startle reactivity (facial behavior & electrodermal activity) and anxiety in dyslexia. Suggests the involvement of very early emotion systems in this population. #neuroskyence #devpsy
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New paper: of 5000 PhDs awarded at large Dutch uni, men were about twice as likely to receive a cum laude degree even if they had same supervisor. Difference most severe with all male PhD committees & reduces with more female members. www.nature.com/articles/s41...
Gender inequality in cum laude distinctions for PhD students - Scientific Reportswww.nature.com Scientific Reports - Gender inequality in cum laude distinctions for PhD students
New preprint from us showing links between elevated unanticipated startle reactivity (facial behavior & electrodermal activity) and anxiety in dyslexia. Suggests the involvement of very early emotion systems in this population. #neuroskyence #devpsy
Elevated acoustic startle reactivity in dyslexia: http://osf.io/dy86a/
Would personally add ‘contend to connect’, too
Is the vagus nerve primarily regulating 'rest & digest'? In our new TiCS review, we outline that it is time to expand our perspective on vagal signaling to include 'strive to survive' as a second survival mode. Work w/ @glassybrain.bsky.social #neuroscience authors.elsevier.com/a/1iALr4sIRv...
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The postdoc problem in a nutshell: “…postdoc recruitment often prioritizes short-term gains for the laboratory, while neglecting long-term success for individual scholars” www.nature.com/articles/d41...
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"The Economics Profession's Socioeconomic Diversity Problem" w/ Robert Schultz is now out in the JEP Here's the paper: pubs.aeaweb.org/doi/pdfplus/... and the Twitter thread from Mar 2022 (aka before I was on Bsky - sorry!) twitter.com/annastansbur...
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My lab is seeking a postdoc to work on Wellcome trust/ERC grants to examine the cognitive, computational & neural basis of human motivation and decision-making. www.jobs.ac.uk/job/DDS251/r.... This is a 2.5 year post initially with possibility of extension. Deadline is November 17th. Please repost!
Research Fellow at University of Birminghamwww.jobs.ac.uk An academic position as a Research Fellow is being advertised on jobs.ac.uk. Click now to find more details and explore additional academic job opportunities.
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My recent paper in Economic Journal: In the Econ job market men and women are recommended differently: letters for women stress hard work, those for men more likely highlight brilliance. This affects job placement. Link to Paper: t.co/HUieaMuERd With Giovanni Facchini and Markus Eberhardt
Having a dog jn 2023 is like having a child in the 90s.
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Women more likely to leave academia due to work place climate than due to work family conflict.
1/ New paper! “Gender and retention patterns among U.S. faculty” w/ N Laberge KH Wapman @samzhang AC Morgan M Galesic BK Fosdick @danlarremore @aaronclauset: www.science.org/doi/10.1126/... A systematic study of gendered rates & reasons for faculty attrition in US academia 🧵
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This form was created to facilitate the sharing of invitation codes for "Global South" scholars who may not have the same network privileges as scholars in the "Global North". Scholars who are geographically located in the "Global South" will be given priority. docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1F...
BlueSky Invites for "Global South" scholars formdocs.google.com This form was created to facilitate the sharing of invitation codes for Blue Sky which do not seem to be reaching "Global South" scholars who may not have the same network privileges as scholars in th...
Do we want to talk about much more my stats are interrogated now, with 5 years postdoc experience and a female PI, compared to as a PhD student with a male PI? It’s not cute.
That little under-the-breath “right!” that allows a Brit to tackle whatever’s on their plate, from just standing up to keynote address.
That mad few months in US academia where everyone in the lab is either applying for grad school or faculty positions
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“I am not saying that women will do a different kind of science...I am saying when there are more women in science, everybody will be free to do a different kind of science.”
Evelyn Fox Keller, a theoretical physicist, a mathematical biologist and, beginning in the late 1970s, a feminist theorist who explored the way gender pervades and distorts scientific inquiry, has died. She was 87.
Evelyn Fox Keller, Who Turned a Feminist Lens on Science, Dies at 87www.nytimes.com Trained as a physicist and biologist, she argued that science had become gendered, with a narrow masculine framework that distorted inquiry.