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Lawyer, academic, writer, and occasional singer and poet.
Author of Decolonisation and Legal Knowledge.
Handle on all socials: folukeifejola
Corporate/state memory operates on its own chronology. What it renders "a long time ago" is hardly ever dependent on WHEN the encapsulated events happened. More often, it's dependent on WHAT happened and, more importantly, to WHOM it happened.
For children born into the shadow of Empire, we are always too strange to be home anywhere. Never enough for home. We carry home heavy on our skin. Home is a dangerous spirit. Home is a desperate soul.
Home Is A Dangerous A poetic polemic on non-belonging
"The racialised body is no longer at home. The racialised body is never at home. The racialised body is homeless. “Go back where you came from! is a command to be cast into the abyssal zone of time. It is a demand for human sacrifice." Adébísí, Folúkẹ́. 2023.
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"the non-racial and un-colonial world of Bridgerton, which does not account for the colonial origins of regency opulence, rather than inviting us to work towards the possible, presents to us a complete fantasy world, so near to our own, but completely out of reach."
Romance is not our way out of hell: Of #Bridgerton, representation & imagining a world The limits of temporary emotional escapes
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Decolonisation... must be understood beyond curricular innovation, as an epistemology for a world in which humanity and the earth may be preserved. it means academic action which “offers the paradox of loving, by virtue of action, anonymous generations to come.”
Law, Necropolitics and Possible Worlds Otherwise: Contemplating an end to the art of structural Law’s extensive entanglement with deciding who may live and who must die
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BOOK NEWS!!! Bristol University Press are currently doing a 50% off sale (until 14th July 2024) So you can order a personal copy of my book at 50% off! Use code SUM50 at check out. The paperback comes to just £13.50. Hurry, while stocks last!
Decolonisation and Legal Decolonisation and Legal Knowledge - Reflections on Power and Possibility; The law is heavily implicated in creating, maintaining, and reproducing racialised hierarchies which bring about and preserve...
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I’ve written before about how much I cannot stand the mainstream iteration of “feminism” in UK academic circles bc of how it is just uncritical, neoliberal white feminism, but I think what truly frustrates me about it is how it lionises a particular type of white woman professor.
Who are these people who keep advertising Falconry to me???? Me?
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Again, I’m among the more privileged as far as non-EU migrants go in this country, but have still been driven to suicidal ideation and severe depressive episodes due to the Hostile Environment. So sorry if I’m a bit aggravated about Labour’s likely inaction with regards to migrant justice. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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It would be nice for folks in politics to actually give a shit about migrants, about safe means of seeking asylum, about dismantling the Hostile Environment and refusing narratives of “too many migrants”. But I won’t hold my breath.
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Just another recommendation for one of the best legal books I've read in years ⬇️ * * intra-collegial bribes have not taken place
BOOK NEWS!!! Bristol University Press are currently doing a 50% off sale (until 14th July 2024) So you can order a personal copy of my book at 50% off! Use code SUM50 at check out. The paperback comes to just £13.50. Hurry, while stocks last!
Decolonisation and Legal Decolonisation and Legal Knowledge - Reflections on Power and Possibility; The law is heavily implicated in creating, maintaining, and reproducing racialised hierarchies which bring about and preserve...
BOOK NEWS!!! Bristol University Press are currently doing a 50% off sale (until 14th July 2024) So you can order a personal copy of my book at 50% off! Use code SUM50 at check out. The paperback comes to just £13.50. Hurry, while stocks last!
Decolonisation and Legal Decolonisation and Legal Knowledge - Reflections on Power and Possibility; The law is heavily implicated in creating, maintaining, and reproducing racialised hierarchies which bring about and preserve...
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In this #newblogpost, taking up @afua_td_imoh's challenge that we use African fiction to teach about African realities, I make 20 suggestions. What other African works or authors would you recommend?
20 Contemporary African Novels as Pedagogical African fiction can teach us about African realities
In this #newblogpost, taking up @afua_td_imoh's challenge that we use African fiction to teach about African realities, I make 20 suggestions. What other African works or authors would you recommend?
20 Contemporary African Novels as Pedagogical African fiction can teach us about African realities
Reposted byAvatar folukeifejola
... also the "of their times" argument fails because monuments are *by their nature* temporally displaced, put up later, often much later after whatever is memorialized, to rework the past for the purposes of whoever has the power and wealth to put large objects in public places.
Reposted byAvatar folukeifejola
There are at least 512 different languages spoken in Nigeria. Note that these are 'languages', not 'dialects'. According to social/political literature on classification of languages, ‘”a language is a dialect with an army and a navy”. Take a look...
The 512 Languages Spoken in The politics and power of distinguishing languages from dialects.
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'When my grandmother was about 13 years old, she was introduced to the man that had been chosen by her parents, for her to marry.' Read:
A Tribute to My This is my grandmother’s story
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In this article, I pierce my ambivalence about statutes, to examine 3 arguments against pulling them down: That this re-writes history That this is not objective That this is judging the people they commemorate with the values of our times, not theirs.
Judging Statues by the Values of Their Whose values are these, exactly?
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"Firstly, wanting statues to stay up as a symbol of a particular false image of the past is covered in more emotion than contained on the set of a million telenovelas. Secondly, an appeal against emotion as being an impediment to reason, is an attempt to shut people up."
In this article, I pierce my ambivalence about statutes, to examine 3 arguments against pulling them down: That this re-writes history That this is not objective That this is judging the people they commemorate with the values of our times, not theirs.
Judging Statues by the Values of Their Whose values are these, exactly?
Reposted byAvatar folukeifejola
The Kenya National Commission on Human Rights says that this is the highest number of deaths they’ve ever recorded in a single protest.
"Firstly, wanting statues to stay up as a symbol of a particular false image of the past is covered in more emotion than contained on the set of a million telenovelas. Secondly, an appeal against emotion as being an impediment to reason, is an attempt to shut people up."
In this article, I pierce my ambivalence about statutes, to examine 3 arguments against pulling them down: That this re-writes history That this is not objective That this is judging the people they commemorate with the values of our times, not theirs.
Judging Statues by the Values of Their Whose values are these, exactly?
"books and not statues exist for the preservation of history. A statute is a celebration of a person not a historical record of them. No person intending to study history will be satisfied with the study of statues."
In this article, I pierce my ambivalence about statutes, to examine 3 arguments against pulling them down: That this re-writes history That this is not objective That this is judging the people they commemorate with the values of our times, not theirs.
Judging Statues by the Values of Their Whose values are these, exactly?
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There are some interesting athletics doubles proposed in this years #ParisOlympics. E.g. Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone may do the 400m 400m H double. My favourite double is still Gail Devers. Unmatched so far.
Great Athletics Athletics provides great examples of the triumphs of the human spirit
In this article, I pierce my ambivalence about statutes, to examine 3 arguments against pulling them down: That this re-writes history That this is not objective That this is judging the people they commemorate with the values of our times, not theirs.
Judging Statues by the Values of Their Whose values are these, exactly?
There are some interesting athletics doubles proposed in this years #ParisOlympics. E.g. Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone may do the 400m 400m H double. My favourite double is still Gail Devers. Unmatched so far.
Great Athletics Athletics provides great examples of the triumphs of the human spirit
I sometimes wonder if Oliver Wendell Holmes was ever called "Olli! Olli! Olli!"
I am currently watching a telenovela where the confusion that leads to 223 episodes of story is an assassination attempt facilitated, not by photo and detailed personal information (oh no!), but the vague description of find the "pretty girl, brown hair." Oh, how I love telenovelas!!!
Anyway going to change my name to "Oluwaseunbabarafunmimowafosokekehalleluyah Eminijesufelopolopoofemiyeye Ireoluwasimikolakawe" because I was gentle before. Copy and paste is available.
'Foluke' 'Adebisi' is not THAT difficult to spell...